Seeds not opening

Sorry bud, but your seeds aren't gonna automatically pop open after you've soaked them :P

Gotta leave them moist but not too wet for a few days or else your tap root will suffocate & drown.

24 hours? most would have cracked at least
24 hours? most would have cracked at least

The 1st one we soaked for 48 hrs and it looked like it popped open, so we put in a moist towel in a zip lock bag, but nothing happened. So we've tried the same thing again, but nothing is happening. I don't want to keep doing the same thing and losing seeds.

We had another seed that we did the exact same thing w and it grew a root. We planted it but it's looking a little sad. It grew tall quickly (and by tall I only mean about 2 inches). It's been over a week and it hasn't grown almost at all. It got its first set of "true" leave but they r starting to dry and brow on the very tips. This is much harder than I thought it would be. Any advise would be wonderful!
A lot of seeds benefit from having them on a heat source like on top of a hot water heater or a seedling heat mat. put a thin cloth towel between so they don't cook. And definitely keep them moist. I like to fold a paper towel, wet it, then drop seed and cover with plastic wrap. That way you can keep them warm, moist, and visable until they germinate.
The 1st one we soaked for 48 hrs and it looked like it popped open, so we put in a moist towel in a zip lock bag, but nothing happened. So we've tried the same thing again, but nothing is happening. I don't want to keep doing the same thing and losing seeds.

We had another seed that we did the exact same thing w and it grew a root. We planted it but it's looking a little sad. It grew tall quickly (and by tall I only mean about 2 inches). It's been over a week and it hasn't grown almost at all. It got its first set of "true" leave but they r starting to dry and brow on the very tips. This is much harder than I thought it would be. Any advise would be wonderful!

is it too cold maybe? could have drowned too, the only advise i can give is to take a step back and read up on your new hobby... there is lots to learn.
Just poke a 1/2" hole in the soil, plop your seeds in, give them a shot glass worth of water and wait. They will pop out of the soil within the week. I've germinated all my seeds this way and I would guess have a 95% success rate?
Put them in a wet paper towel, inside a plastic zip lock bag, then sit them somewhere warm (suck as on top of a computer case).
We've soaked 2 pineapple kush seeds and 1 bubble kush seed and they r not poping open. Thoughts?
What color are the seeds? They could just be shit seeds. When you soaked them did they sink to the bottom, or remain floating? As for the sprouts I suggesting finding a thread on here about sprouting written by a reputable member, or getting on Youtube and finding and watching videos about sprouting plants.
also, go get some seedling starter mix from your local nursery or home store. it is nice and gentle for those first 2 weeks. i use Scotts, but even MG or whatever will be fine. make sure it says seedling on the bag.
If they were not stored properly they may be bad I've also read from gorge Cervantes I thank that's how u spell it but he said some seeds have really hard shells and he said to rub thin lightly with sand paper I've never done it so I don't know if that will help but if u soaked them for a long time they might be to soft to try and try to keep your hands free of nicotine it can harm or kill the plants happy growing