Seeds into (Western) Australia?


Well-Known Member
My last order of 3 seeds (tracked/guaranteed) never arrived with Original Sensible Seed Co. I have asked for the replacement to be sent regular post(despite the fact that they said they couldn't resend again if I chose this option). I want to order 4 of one and 3 of another strain. Should I go Herbies or Attitude or one of both and should I get the tshirt/sweets guarantee from Attitude? And the guarantee with Herbies (I don't know if this entails tracking). THanks


Well-Known Member
I just got mine from the single seed center fast shipping with no problems get the guarantee shipping if you order from them


Well-Known Member
Either will work well, i think you'll have a better chance of getting them if just go regular post though..i know the guarantee makes it worthwhile if they get nabbed but reg mail has a better chance of just slipping past customs ;)

brotes grandes

Active Member
I'm currently awaiting a order from herbies and bonza. Herbies is a resend as the first got fn taken by tosser authorities and I asked for the resend to be plain as opposed to my first order that was super stealth so hoping that will rock up in the next week. My second order is through bonza and I got that plain packaging aswell so there mite be truth to it that stealth has a better chance of getting caught whilst plain mail has better chance of getting through. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah, regular post seems to be the go. My tracked order with original sensible never arrived, I asked for the resend to be plain standard, then they said that if I go standard there's no more replacements, so I told them to do it tracked. Then I changed my mind but they'd already sent it, so I have another order coming to the same address, same name, same tracking. I think that might be bad?


Active Member
Hey guys,
Could you post up when your seeds arrive or if you have already got some before. I'm thinking about buying some but i'm curious to know what aus customs are like and i can't really just waste money just yet.



Active Member
yeah, regular post seems to be the go. My tracked order with original sensible never arrived, I asked for the resend to be plain standard, then they said that if I go standard there's no more replacements, so I told them to do it tracked. Then I changed my mind but they'd already sent it, so I have another order coming to the same address, same name, same tracking. I think that might be bad?
Don't panic, if they get that lot which they more than likely will, just go standard mail and use a different name. The guarantee is useless if it keeps getting snagged by customs, you will never get anything. I know a friend of a friend who kept getting re-sends from the tude and it took him 5 months to finally get one through.

Just go plain envelope!! 95% show up.


brotes grandes

Active Member
Plain post is way to go as I've had 2/2 stealth orders nabbed and 1/1 plain post so sweetly delivered. 5 working days from the uk to my door is flipin awesome I think. Already looking at another order :-)


Hello everyone.
I just thought I would throw in my 2c as well. I've had multiple resends form the tude but my problems started when the package went the wrong way!! The UK postal service stuffed up and sent it over to the USA. I watched it on the tracking bounce between the east and west coast before heading to Melbourne. By the time I got my package (wallet) there was nothing inside. It had USA customs tape all over it as well as a note from Aussie customs saying they opened for inspection and found NOTHING. This tells me the USA customs picked it up, probably attracted attention because it was from the UK to AUST but bouncing around in the USA.
I believe they may have notified Aussie customs as that address is now unsuccessful with all packages. So far probably lost 5 different packages when it was always pretty successful there. Speaking to an ex customs worker, she told me they flag your address. Once they find something they flag that address so any packages coming to that address are then scrutinized a bit more than normal. I think what everyone is saying about plain packaging is probably the go. Slip it through in a business sized envelope and I recon your chances go up dramatically.

brotes grandes

Active Member
Herbies fucked me over mann.. Don;t trust em, I also checked out boutique, seof seeds and bay, all my orders were taken customs is a kunt... if u want my bank reviews, pm me bro i dont want it to go mainstream.. too para..
I agree. Customs and the Australian government are c*#ts mate,and even bigger thieves then most people know but don't let em win. Try again a different way or thru a different seed company. My seeds from bonza ordered like 3 weeks ago plain packaging non-stealth have not shown up so don't know if was customs or some clued on dog at Australia post got em but yeh I'm let em go I know there gone so I'm going back to herbies I won't try anyone else unless someone jumps thru my screen slaps me in the face and sez dude proven 99% success rate for me and others is these guys then no I'm staying with herbies as I give them 100% for my shit eventually rockin up.

F.A Hayek

Active Member
I've had nothing but good experiences with ordering from They warned me how strict Australian customs were before they shipped my order in case I wanted a refund, but thankfully everything arrived with absolutely no problems. The original order they sent me was wrong, so I ended up with $60 worth of free seeds AND they reshipped my original order, no additional charge!

Their discreet packaging methods are great. You will literally have to destroy the item to get to the seeds!

Oh, and just choose the standard option instead of paying $15 for discreet shipping. Both shipping options use exactly the same method of concealment.