Seeds in second generation plant (Hijack)


Hi everyone. I am hoping someone can help. I started Hijack from seed and the first round had seeds in the nugs. Unfortunately the plants had been through hell and back due to various things, but I grew them back to great shape. I attributed the seeds to shock and hoped for better with their cuttings. Unfortunately it isn't so and the cuttings also have seeds forming. Will this improve over time or should I just kill the strain? Also, can I remove the seed pods I see before they completely form hoping to not have as many when it is finished? Also, what are the chances it can create seeds in other plants in the room that have never done this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


145 views and no one can help? :wall: Going to take a scalpel to the premature seeds tomorrow and need to know if I should waste 6 hours doing it. Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Okay I am a little confused but from what I gather that strain is forming seeds and did so in the cuttings as well? If it has seeds it could be a herm from stress/light leakage during flowering. If this is indoor then that could part of the issue. Herm seeds also have a tendency to be herm again though I have heard that herm seeds also produce feminized seeds but I am not clear on that part. Sorry I couldn't help more.


Correct. I started from seeds and all of them had seeds in the nugs. I thought it was from stress and hoped the cutting wouldn't have them(what I'm flowering now). But they do as well. I have heard this is common until after the 3rd generation or so, but at this point I don't think I care to keep it going, just want to salvage what I can from this batch. Room is pitch black when lights are off, can't see hand in front of face. I think it's just this particular strain.


Well-Known Member
Could be a fickle strain. I mean if its not a big loss to you no harm in starting over with a new fresh untainted seed. I would be frustrated too spending that much time and effort only to have what looks like goat pellets in and around your bud. But then again I've never bred them myself like that. If there is word of it getting better after the 3rd generation, maybe stick it out? Its up to you on whether to cut your losses. I am no expert on herms or what may cause it. I have been told also that some strains are like that having a tendency to be herm compared to others.


Thanks for your input. It's two weeks out at this point and just going to finish it. Think I'll break out the razor tomorrow and take out as many as I can before they are completely engulfed in the bud. Really good weed too, just a pain. Kinda like a super hot chick with warts...What do you do, is it worth it???!!!:-P Anyone else that wants to chime in, please do. Still want to know if this can affect my other plants. No herm signs at all. Complete buds with just seeds, no male flowers.


Active Member
Imposible to have seed with no pollen. Your either getting it from hermie plants, or its getting into yur grow somehow. Once your grow area gets pollen in it it needs to be cleaned top to bottom, everything, as to get it out.


Ok, this is what I'm wondering. But can't the plants just have seeds and be the "least" Herm without showing other signs besides seed? I'm sure it's in their genes at this point. Never had a male anywhere near them. I think it's just a herm strain now. Not sure what you say is accurate. No offense. You can herm a plant by shock without having pollen.

I take that back. You said no seed without pollen. Thank you for your input. Going to keep everything at distance. Luckily I have a large space to finish these out and keep my for sure girls away. It's such a fucking headache.


Active Member
Yup you can herm a plant, and then the herm plant pops out a male flower to make pollen. I never said a herm had anything to do with pollen. Unsure? Read more on how seed is made or wait for others to answer.
Edit: Bottom line is a seed can't be made without pollen, be it from a true male or a hermie female.


I edited my response after I re-read and I apologize if I came off as rude. I misread what you wrote and I do appreciate your help. Just ready to kick kittens at this point. :wall:


Active Member
It's all good. Sometimes you won't even see the hermie flower as it may be burried between swollen calyxes, and it isn't spotted till harvest, when u spot seed.


That's just it! The calyxe have the hairs and explode into more awesome nugginess. These have no hairs and I know I have to start clipping. Such a similar thing and they are next to each other. One is awesome, one is a dick.

I'll see if I can post a pic. Used my cell and not the best


Herm 1.jpgYou can see at this point I can do something about it. Going to clip hoping more don't have time to mature by the time it's ready.


Active Member
Blurry photo, but I think I am seeing hermie flowers. Do those pods look like the tip of a football? Like 3-4 pieces together? A seed will look just like a calyx without hairs sticking out, it will even be covered in trichs. Smooth "pod" is usually a pollen flower (hermie/male).


It looks just like a calyx with no hair. I can easily pop them off and squeeze out. They are definitely pre seeds after dissecting.