seeds in rockwool help


Active Member
Hello all just wondering what my problem is.
I've got some seeds in rockwool cubes in a humidity dome, they've sprotted grown about an inch or two and stopped growing. still look healthy but no roots coming out. No change in hight for about a week?

Also how big do they have to be befor I can put them in my bucket system?

Thanks in advance for any advice.:joint:

I will try to get pics here today


Active Member
could be over watering. looks a little droopy.
letting the cube dry out more (but not completely dry) makes the roots search for water.
you can put it in your system once the roots poke out. just don't put it too deep and drown it.
good luck bro


Active Member
Thanks Lorenzo. I tryed to dry out the cube a bit today just by setting it on paper towels and let them soak out some water.


Well-Known Member
If you have florescents or CFL's, stick the seedlings under there really close to the lights (like an inch away).


Well-Known Member
No humidity dome with seeds. Ever.

Shake excess water out of the cubes with a few flicks of the wrist. Have the little sprout facing the palm of your hand. When water no longer easily comes out, it's right. Then yes put a cfl closer but I'd say 2" not 1" until it's adjusted and started growing.