seeds in one pot


yesterday i put about 35-40 germinated seeds into an old pot that i was growing fresh strawberries out of and i was wondering if this will be a pretty damn good idea or will the roots get tangled up?

help.. thanks lol:weed:


Active Member
35-40! big is the pot? i would deffinetly worrie about them getting tangled. and if they get too tangled and u try to pull them will either kill em or stress them out real bad because of root damage/shock.
That is a crazy idea.That just way too many seeds in 1 pot they will definately be tangled your best bet is to dig up them seeds now and replant in some cups or pots of their own.


As long as you transplant them before they get too big (Check them often) you should be fine.
I once threw about 15-20 in a small jar to germ. them. I checked them often and removed them before they got too big.


Well-Known Member
you can still transplant them all, 35-40 seeds in one pot is way too many if you let them go they will not survive