Seeds in my buds!!!!


Active Member
So I have some sour diesel and another strain budding in a plywood box in my closet and discovered today that there were seeds in it. It's about 55 days along and I just can't figure out what happened. I've never seen a male plant in my operation.I have only 3 strains, the 2 I mentioned above and one other that I grew from seed and threw in the budding box for a couple of weeks and it looked like a perfect female. I have budded the one strain before and no seeds so that one didn't hermaphrodite. Is it possible that the sour diesel did? Would I be able to tell by looking at the plant now or would I have seen it in the beginning. If I am correct the male would have had to of been on a 12/12 light cycle to show the pods? If it is the diesel will every clone in that generation herm on me. I've got this years outdoor crop within that same generation. Any help would be appreciated greatly :-)


Active Member
Maybe you stressed the plants on accident. They'll turn on you sometimes.
Yeah they are in a 3x4 plywood box with a 40 watt woodstove fan blowing air in and there is the same size ehaust but the 7 26w cfls I have in there produce some heat. When they are on it is like 87 in there. Also I did a batch of the other strain before and it was fine. Now both strains are in there and loaded with seeds. Can a hermi make that many seeds. if only one strain hermied could they pollinate the other stran?


Active Member
Ok so I found the little bananas. Definitely a hermi. How do I tell if its genetic? Will too many generations of cloneing produce hermi plants? it wasn't like there were pods all over the place, they are very hard to see. I guess my question really is this; are the plants that I have ready to go outdoors that are the same exact generation as the ones that tyrned hermi going to be hermie as well or is there a possibility that I will be ok? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Some strains are more prone to herm than others, if that strain or pheno was bad about herming then it is possible that clones could have the same problems but i think it mainly has to do with environment. 87 is pretty high temp so your plants are probably stressed which is causing the the herm. Yes a hermed plant can pollinate another plant in the room.

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
yes to many genorations of cloning can weaken the plants though bugs and stuff like that so it could just as likly produce a hermi. but dont worry if you are sertain they are female before the seeds showed then the seeds are going to be female. so take the seeds after the harvast they will store for a good 5 years in dry dark condisions and start again


Active Member
Thing about the seeds is that I have heard if they come from a hermi then the seeds will produce hermi plants. Also what would storing them do.? That's a long time!! I'm really really hoping that it is indeed the temperature and not the genetics. I had a plant that budded fine, took 2 mothers off of that one and that's where these clones came from. It would really suck to have a summerful of tending just to have it all be loaded with seeds. The air temps around here can get up to 100 in the summer so I didn't think it would be so bad being at 87 in the box. I guess being confined to that box with not very good ventilation didn't help any. so I should just carry on with the plans to plant the bushes I have outdoors? I have no other way to get plants. I guess I could clone now from the other stran but it seems a little late for that.

Thanks a bunch for the replies :-)


Well-Known Member
As far as the seeds producing herms that is mainly if the strain in prone to it, if you stressed it out into herming then chances are you will have some nice female seeds without herm provided you have the right environment.


Well-Known Member
The male would have been on the 12/12 to produce the pollen to get to the females.the worste thing is the male plant or most likely the [hermi] will have sent pollen out to the rest.i would chop it down and get it out even if a plant only has 2 weeks to go down it comes early bath for this plant.the bud will still be fine to smoke but you will have to get all the seeds out.if you keep the plant growing at least you will have gained the seeds.but if there are plants uneffected by the male get them in a sealed room i have had differant strains growing and just one plant turned on me.and it never effected the other strains don't know how this happened.but i would bet money the problem lise with temps dropping at night or temps to high during the day.


Well-Known Member
If the seeds are already there dont cut it down, wait till its done, nothing worse than picking out tiny immature seeds, much better to pick out big useful seeds, not sure about the tendencies.


Active Member
I agree about the tiny seeds but won't there be more and more seeds as they get pollinated or are they probably done by now. I cut them down yesterday because I have a couple of new ones (different strain) that I had just put in there. I didn't want them getting pollinated too. They were really close to finish anyways. So should I bleach the box down or something? How long will the pollen stay viable and will it get on the walls etc.? One more question, do plants tend to show sighs of hermaphrodite early or is it something that could happen anytime? I found plenty of male flowers when I cut them up but never noticed them before.
Thanks again.