seeds germinating on a full moon????


Well-Known Member
ok so i have a few friends that tell me tat seeds will not crack open on a full moon phase:confused: so i have never had an issue on that i just put them i a paper towel soaked and in a ziplock and keep it warm and with in 3-4 days bam a bean is born.. anyone else have this superstition:?:?:?


Well-Known Member
if I were you I would change the paper towel every 24 hours...after a2-3 days you should have them all ready for dirt.


Active Member
I actually read up on this the other night... phases of the moon supposedly affect plants just as the sun. here's the link:
That's an interesting read.

My mom tells of her grandfather, a Hungarian immigrant who arrived ca 1900, keeping an old world garden until his death. By "old world," I mean one that included fruit trees, berries, root crops as well as fresh, and chickens (insect control, eggs, and meat). She has said that he always worked the garden according to the moon and Catholic Holy Days--the placement of which, I think, may be based on the lunar calender.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I heard they sprout quicker 'cause of the gravitational pull.

Don't know about cracking and rooting.. But sprouting from the ground lol.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the input i ws out of town and didnt have a chance to act on my own thread.. lol personaly i have never had an issue my other friend that i do a lil baby swaping with will not even start a seed untill after the full moon phase. lol superstition is a bitch..another thing is the light on the full moon would that be like a light leak on an inside grow???/ its a natural thing so would the full moon effect plants outside ??? when were mother nature we worry about every little thing but outside t almost all backwards..