Seeds from Wish website

I think I spent 4 dollars for 20 seeds I figured I don't care how well they grow this is my first grow and I have alot of problems to work out the bigger plant is a seed from a known seed bank and I am killing it . That is expensive at 10$ a seed with delivery.

I saw these "seeds" a couple of weeks ago, accompanied with the pics of monstrous buds, and wondered "how long before someone is stupid enough to think that 20 seeds for a couple of bucks means they can grow some top-notch headmasher".

They're industrial hemp seeds, you could smoke a joint the size of a telegraph pole and not get high. The price alone should have told you what they were even if you didn't know that China is becoming a world leader in the production of industrial hemp, and of course they are going to cash in on the growing markets in states where weed is being legalised which you also see by the number of grinders, pipes, bongs, vapers, etc, you see on their "popular" page.

So you'll learn how to grow a plant, but it will be a waste of time, pots, medium, electricity, etc, unless you want a relaxing cup of tea before going to bed provided they don't all grow balls.
Tea sounds great we can't all be as smart as you

In all honesty, hemp tea can be excellent if you have problems getting to sleep but so is CBD. The taste, however, takes a bit of getting used to, shall we say.

But the bottom line is this, you forgot the Golden Rule, the one that starts with "If it seems too good to be true...".

Best you spend a bit more on known seeds because, well, you've no idea what it is, how viable they are, or anything.

But at least you won't lose too much money with what is likely to be the inevitable dead plants as you learn the art of growing, and if someone pisses you off you can always throw a few into their garden and wait for the panic when someone notices the "exotic" plants growing there. That's good for a laugh and worth the few bucks you spent.
That sounds like a great idea to share the seeds with unexpected people. The plant is growing well . I have bought good seeds from known seed bank. I had good luck with one and another I received 10 seeds and none of them have popped so it is all a crap shoot. I will probably not but more even if it isn't hemp I don't know what it is
I agree but they sell them as novalties . I am going to reach out this week my last 2 are in rooting media.i did rest in wet paper towel I have 8 other plants that sprouted.
I don't know. I started reading about bud in China and apparently there's a shitload of West Africans openly selling in public in large cities there. Cops don't care about MINOR possession and turn a blind eye to it. These might be cannabis . Keep us posted.
my friend just got done trying to grow out seeds from As we all thought, these are not legit seeds. majority of the ones he popped are males but said there were a couple females. But by first sign of flower he could tell there was almost zero resin being produced. And he cut them all down at week 3 when they still were not showing any signs of resin
D85E2A10-FC3E-4432-BF14-B036AD6BA954.jpeg My gf orderd some seeds for the fun To see what would emerge. She want some hemp her self and would be happy IF its actully hemp, me on the other side. Hmm one can simply not know until further exploration


View attachment 4189006 My gf orderd some seeds for the fun To see what would emerge. She want some hemp her self and would be happy IF its actully hemp, me on the other side. Hmm one can simply not know until further exploration

"Like every other hemp farmer in Hexin in Heilongjiang province near the Russian border, Jiang is growing the plant legally.

The growers sell the stems of the crop to textile factories to make high-quality fabric, the leaves to pharmaceutical companies for drugs, and the seeds to food companies to make snacks, kitchen oil and drinks."

And seeds to newbies.
I found out that weed doesn’t not grow as tall as hemp so if it doesn’t grow very tall and If it doesn’t have very much thc then it’s not weed hemp has less then 1% thc