seeds from attitude ordered


Active Member
even fresh from the seed the blueberry and white berry show red and blue veins ... now super dilute monkey juice and nitrozine from a spray bottle...under a 200 watt cfl..on a heat pad ... i found a few interesting things .. one is a tree pot 16 inches tall square but 6 inches wide that come in a great tray... 9 to a tray... very deep and slender... ...tpot4... i found the same thing here in canada used for reforestation seedlings ... lots of root room slender plan is to cross hdf with white berry and blueberry with hdf...diesel with a pure thai ... should be interesting...nice free beans too .. gotta love it... when i finish the girls ill hit them with those dangerous super high uvb output sodium vapor lights to stress them into resin overflow to bring out the full potential and flavor ..most growers using halide or sodium alone dont get that overflow like the uvb supplement can give bank i wont mention sent beans that were dried out shit.. i knew they were bogus at first sight .. didnt germ !!!! 200 worth of disappointment .. but im not gonna bad mouth them .. next africans afropips ... very exotic .. jungle drums .. the The BANTUS (Africa) had secret Dagga Cults,* societies which restricted Marijuana use to the ruling men. The Pygmies, Zulus, and Hottentots all found it an indispensable medication for cramps, epilepsy, and gout, and as a religious sacrament.
*Their "Dagga" cults believed Holy Marijuana was brought to earth by the Gods, in particular from the "Two Dog Star" system that we call Sirius A and B. "Dagga" literally means "cannabis." (Marijuana) Interestingly, the surviving Indo-European word for the plant can also be read as "canna," "reed" and "bi," "two," as well as 'canna,' as in canine; and 'bis,' meaning two (bi) ß "Two Dogs."Tribes from the Congo, East Africa, Lake Victoria, and South Africa smoke marijuana in ritual and in leisure. The ancient Riamba cult is still practiced in the Congo. According to the Riamba beliefs, marijuana is a god, protector from physical and spiritual harm. Throughout Africa treaties and business transactions are sealed in a puff of smoke from a yard-long pipe.[ .... yep next africa


Active Member
Shakespeare was a pothead? very interesting

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-Upon-Avon permitted researchers to perform chemical tests on its 24 pipe fragments from its museum collection.

They included samples from Shakespeare's house at New Place in Stratford-upon-Avon, and a number of other nearby sites.

so was sheakspear toking up?....The two pipe stems which bore unexpected traces of cocaine came from the Stratford home. the South African scientists say. The other was thought to be from Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

Other fragments showed signs of myristic acid, a hallucinogen derived from plants such as nutmeg, and cannabis, as well as tobacco and camphor.


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Active Member
well blueberry is slow and crinkled leaves looks stunted all the others are getting full and tall and its just green and tiny... two main leaves are barely showing but its still green... its 1/4 inch its sisters are 4 inches .. whats that about...shit ...and only one seed..... g13xhaze is also runty behind its nursery mates...... same soil and light runts inferior ... only two that are slow out of 25... should i ditch um or see what happens..are these varieties known to be slow ...??????????????


Active Member
Good luck with your grow Bubblegumdude, stick with it!! Remember.......its a weed! They are very reseliant....;)


Active Member
I can see both points LoL, but honestly, we are all smokers and need to just chillax for a min bongsmilie anyway, It is easy for someone new (myself) or other nOObs to get excited! BUT... Like a fishing spot, once you find all the fish, you really wanna tell? Nope! LoL.Call it greedy but hey MY FISH :finger: I think the pro's are trying to say to us nOObs. please STFU we already know! no offense.


Active Member
well big big bud this is a grow log not a forum as to what you think about so called pros and the droll troll badmouthing that both of those idiots seem to do on all forums. so as i told them piss off with your nickle opinion ..if i want distortion from the peanut gallery ill call you. as for being a noob speak for yourself. next time i want your drunken opinion i'll ask for you cad you bounder!!!!!!!!!!! now go find something to do...will the sgt. at arms please man the door and bar these riff raff uneducated low class pearlies from entering... thank you


Active Member
First off, I wasnt speaking just about you being a nOOb, was overall new people to this site! Second, you don't know me? So calling me and others underclass, and telling them to man the door? well who the fuck let you in? not like your so popular your self? LoL, underclass? shit I have made enough money to make my wife happy along with yours LoL. Who cares about your fucking log anyways? Good luck to you as you will need it :wall:


Active Member
big big buds let this be the last time you grace this growlog with your stupidty thanks ...bloody kaffirs must piss in the room... as we say in sud afrika.." acht alstublieft ons recht om u kaffirs uit ons huis dank u u zwarte bastaard bij te houdena " if anyone has a grow related comment please feel free. indiana man never had a problem since ordering from neville in the 80s back in the stone age