Seeds from an auto

Phat J

Well-Known Member
I have never grown auto flowers before. I got a little godbud auto flower from a fellow gardner. Just a little taste for a friend u know. So happens i found a seed. Well obviously i need try and grow it cuz. Godbud is out of stock on attitude. My question is what are the chances it will germinate and would it b an auto or photo?


Well-Known Member
well if it was crossed by a hermi photo it wil probably be a photo
if it was self pollinated then its auto
odds are its fem
it will more then likely grow if it looks like it will
if there out of stock and you only have one bean you could use it to make a fem seed crop with some teresias mist or gibberillic acid

Phat J

Well-Known Member
well if it was crossed by a hermi photo it wil probably be a photo
if it was self pollinated then its auto
odds are its fem
it will more then likely grow if it looks like it will
if there out of stock and you only have one bean you could use it to make a fem seed crop with some teresias mist or gibberillic acid
He only had 4 female autos in a tent. I would think self polinated. Thanks for the advice but i have to admit I have never heard of that stuff. Could u summerize how they work?

technical dan

Active Member
those things herm the plant. So you spray them on a female plant, the solution (whichever you use) causes stress and herms the plant. now you have nanners on a genetically female plant, so when you put this lady w/ balls plant pollen on to other female plants you end up with nearly all female seeds as both the mother and "father" were genetically females the offspring will be girls too


Well-Known Member
ya what he said bongsmilie
spray it around or before preflower and let it pollinate itself dont smoke this plant its trashed from the chemicals
but if you put another plant in with it you can smoke this one its still usable seeds are fem
but even though you cant smoke the hermi'd plant doesnt mean its a waste you will more then likely get a few hundred seeds from just the hermi'd plant figuring $15 a bean saved its far out weighs the ounce or two of smoke

technical dan

Active Member
^ if anything about that happens do it all in email. No deals or trades in open view on this site, or it could be shutdown.

Phat J

Well-Known Member
I did not and will not ever engage in any such things. I did not suggest or imply any such activity.