Seeds from a feminized plant?


Well-Known Member
This is so bizarre. I just harvest four feminized WW plants this weekend. Low and behold, amongst the tastiness of those four plants I found 2 (count em, 2) seeds. No more, no less. There were no males around and no part of these plants were male. I am dumbfounded!! How can a room full of females produce 2 (count em, 2) seeds. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
there can be a small undeveloped flower, it will not likely produce or ripen however a few pollen spores can ripen and escape they are still a exact copy of the mother if no other plants were grown with these WW


Well-Known Member
Are these viable seeds? Will they grow or are they somehow mutants due to them coming from a feminized plant?


Well-Known Member
I had the sam ething happen I had 9 fem W.W. and have found two good sized seeds. I'm going to grow them this spring.


Active Member
feminized seeds are created with a process that uses pollen collected from a hermie plant, any minor stress to plants started from feminized seeds could easily produce a hermie pollen sack, the stress must have happed close to harvest time, otherwise you would have found more than 2 seeds. The seeds are viable and are guaranteed female with a good chance of turning hermie. If you grow/flower these seeds out, make sure they are flowered away from your other crop.


Well-Known Member
i also had one seed come out of my last crop of 4 ww girls. this is odd that it has happened to more than one of us and even more odd that it happend in white widow. i saw the seed starting to develope and i just took it out of my cured bud today and it is a big fat plump tigerstriper. looks like a realy good seed. im ganna grow it next crop to see what it turns out as. im happy cuase it came off my best plant out of the 4. i also never had any males near my plants. the only logic i can think of is it came in through the a/c must of been a male around here somewhere cause i never saw any pollen sacs and i looked everywhere.


Active Member
Maybe someone can help me? I just harvested 22 plants all WW and they were infested with seeds. (yeah I'm sick as hell) Is it possible that a hermie could pollinate an entire harvest? ALso should I worry about lingering pollen for my next harvest?


Well-Known Member
yeah its possible if u had lots of air movement in your room. and yes you should THROOUGHLY clean in between every grow. lots of soap and water and lots of bleach.

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
So Fellas let me ask....To those whose harvested feminized females and found very few seeds at the end of harvest...Did that affect the potency at all??????????????


Well-Known Member
i'm on my first grow now. but, i've bought countless lbs from growers. i purchased a pound of some herb from my connect one time and he told me that the herb had no seeds in it. he's definitely a man of his word, so, i'm breaking the pound down and what the fuck i find two seeds, i'm ready to snap. but, i didn't have any other herb at the time so, i rolled a dutch, and what do you know it was some two hitta i'm high as a bitch. i've been smoking for almost a decade and a half, i've blew everything from chocolate thai to sour diesel consistently over this period of time, and quite frankly that herb that had those two seeds in it definitely is in my top ten of herbs i've ever smoked. don't get me wrong fuck weed with seeds but, smoke it first then make your judgment, good smoking to you.


Well-Known Member
Pollen can spread just by walking past a plant. Once airborne it can travel's possible for just a part of plant to get pollenated...I've seen it done
to get some seeds. You can brush pollen on the plant where you want it.

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
i'm on my first grow now. but, i've bought countless lbs from growers. i purchased a pound of some herb from my connect one time and he told me that the herb had no seeds in it. he's definitely a man of his word, so, i'm breaking the pound down and what the fuck i find two seeds, i'm ready to snap. but, i didn't have any other herb at the time so, i rolled a dutch, and what do you know it was some two hitta i'm high as a bitch. i've been smoking for almost a decade and a half, i've blew everything from chocolate thai to sour diesel consistently over this period of time, and quite frankly that herb that had those two seeds in it definitely is in my top ten of herbs i've ever smoked. don't get me wrong fuck weed with seeds but, smoke it first then make your judgment, good smoking to you.
Thank u very much bredren. I just hope an infestation of seeds doesnt happen witha hermie . I would go crazy so im hopin 4 str8 sensemillia.
Peace homiezzz :hump: