seeds from 1971, still good?


Active Member
Hey guys & girls, my mom recently gave some seeds that my father grew back in the 70"s (baggy says summer 71 lol)
my question is are they still any good? the seeds came from a male plant that was grown outside and i've been told his plants used to be 8.5 feet tall.
also would a strain that grows that tall be a problem for indoor growing? the seeds look like ordinary pot seeds no decay or anything..
any help would be great!!!

p.s I can post pics later if needed


Active Member
I've heard of people keeping them for years and they still work. It's defendant worth a try.They will talk longer to germinate then fresh seeds in my experience. GL


Active Member
I've heard of people keeping them for years and they still work. It's defendant worth a try.They will talk longer to germinate then fresh seeds in my experience. GL
Thanks for the info, ill give then a few days extra.


Well-Known Member
Too bad ebay won't let you list them, they'd probably sell for a fortune if there were any way to prove they were legit.

You might have a one in a million chance that one could sprout, but can't hurt to try. Forget trying one. Just dump half of them into a cup of distilled water, put them in a dark place, and see if any crack open within a week. If not, try the other half. You'll be lucky to sprout one out of hundreds.

Generally they loose around 50% viability just after just two years and keep going down after that but 37 years is just a long shot and a half.


Well-Known Member
Let us know how it turns out

Put a seed between your index finger and thumb and squeeze ..if they crack they are no good ..if it dont crack you stand a chance of it being good


Well-Known Member
If they don't crack as mentioned above...I'd say give it a shot!

As a test, I would LIGHTLY score five with an nail file, then soak then in room temp distilled H20 first for a 30 minutes, and then use the moist paper towel method in a nice warm the top of a cable box, etc.

If that doesn't start them, maybe try a TINY drop of Super Thrive in the soaking water.

Can't wait to see what happens with this one...Man, start a grow journal for these seeds if they germinate!



Active Member
sounds good give em a try might work out but what from ive heard from alot of old time smokers is the tree is better today than it ever was but hell could just be old timers talking out they mouth . lol


Well-Known Member
yeah some say the die after so long but ive had some for 5 yrs before and grew dem bitches no problem


Well-Known Member
Siwwy wabbit, seeds come from females.

On topic...dude, fucking go for it. Just so you can say you did. Might be some acapulco or some shit. Now strains these days are obviously a lot stronger, genetically speaking, but (growing and curing) techniques have also improved greatly so you might be able to smoke the best Columbian Red ever grown :o

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey guys & girls, my mom recently gave some seeds that my father grew back in the 70"s (baggy says summer 71 lol)
my question is are they still any good? the seeds came from a male plant that was grown outside and i've been told his plants used to be 8.5 feet tall.
also would a strain that grows that tall be a problem for indoor growing? the seeds look like ordinary pot seeds no decay or anything..
any help would be great!!!

p.s I can post pics later if needed

Ummmmm please explain to me how the seeds are from a male plant? I mean I know times have changed.... but even back in the 70's seeds came from female plants ;)

I think your mom is pulling your leg :mrgreen:


Active Member
Ummmmm please explain to me how the seeds are from a male plant? I mean I know times have changed.... but even back in the 70's seeds came from female plants ;)

I think your mom is pulling your leg :mrgreen:
that is a typo, my bad I was high.. :joint: I was trying to be clear that the seeds aren't from a herme lol

and I put the paper towel on my cable box as mentioned, still no action but my hopes are high :)