seeds at the end of budding

Hello guyz,
I have one pure sativa, she just finished 3 months flowering, today I noticed some seeds on the buds, there is no male plant around at all.

The bud stopped growing for like 2 weeks but today I noticed that the bud is growing again but with some seeds around.

And yep she got light stress a couple weeks ago, a black out interrupt its light cycle for around 6 hours.

What should I do do ?? harvest and enjoy the smoke before it produces more seeds?? Or wait until there is no more grow ??

Please advice.

Thank you much


Well-Known Member
Just finish the grow, you can still enjoy the buds with a few seeds in them, just pick them out.


Well-Known Member
No doubt about it, see the seeds as a suspected Hermie, until you know different, with luck perhaps a neighbor has a loose male, but we can only hope, best to harvest now, perhaps grow the seeds out, as a shit in giggle experiment


Well-Known Member
So would those seeds be feminized?
NO. Those seeds will likely carry the hermaphrodite trait (assuming the pollen came from a hermie),
making the odds of any plants grown from those seeds more likely to be hermies.
To make feminized seeds, you would need to use colloidal silver on a female plant to make it produce pollen, then use the pollen from that female on another female bud.

MMMP Compliant

New Member
Regardless down she goes. I would not ruin the crop chop that sucker down. you need to know what stage of life your plant is in what to the trichs look like and have the fan leaves been sucked yet?

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
NO. Those seeds will likely carry the hermaphrodite trait (assuming the pollen came from a hermie),
making the odds of any plants grown from those seeds more likely to be hermies.
To make feminized seeds, you would need to use colloidal silver on a female plant to make it produce pollen, then use the pollen from that female on another female bud.
No matter how she's pollenated the outcome should be the same.....meaning that if you use colloidal silver or if its stress induced, she's still pollinating herself. Right?


Well-Known Member
The Colloidal Silver does not stress the plant to cause it to hermie. The seeds do not carry the hermie trait.
C.S. inhibits the ethylene production that the plant uses to produce female flowers.
The plant is still a female genetically, but it produces male flowers instead.

Think of it this way..
.. a hermaphrodite has both sexual organs, but C.S. is like giving the plant a sex change.
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