Seeds... Are they worth the Effort


ok so i understand now that in order to make your female drop seeds, she needs to be pollinated by a male. I have two seedlings right now, so i have no idea what sex they are (they are definitely different strains tho). Suppose they turn out to be a male and a female... i could breed them and harvest the seeds from the female and basically supply myself with seeds for a long while... BUT what are the negative sides to this? Does the females buds lose any potency (if so, how much?) it is really hard to find good seeds here in Costa Rica, and i am not wasting my money to have them shipped here and confiscated by customs:finger: here is my understanding thus far... i grow out my plants and sex them... if i do end up with a male and female, i just leave them right were they are nestled beside each other, and let them breed. then flower as usual, i guess>right?< then i will have buds with seeds... please correct me if im wrong!!
I started making my own seeds last year and love the fact that I dont need anything but MY seeds and soil and I am set for the next few years. Self sufficient and doing it my way. Yes, thats how you do it!!:-P


Active Member
Okay... Its deff not a bad idea if ur needing seeds. Your Female plant will lose lots of potency due to the fact it will be engulfed with seeds from the Male plant. (that is if u dont get 2 females or 2 males). All growers that are wanting to grow High Quality Bud quickly remove all Male plants so they DONT pollinate, thats where the popular name SENSI comes from. SENSI is bud without seeds and thats usually the best bud u can get, also genetics plays a HUGE part in it as well. If u need the seeds it wont hurt to do it but make sure where ever ur growing that after harvest u clean the area real well and make sure all that pollen is gone so u can have that SENSI bud every time, that pollen gets everywhere and can ruin crops in the future!


you can still smoke the finished product tho??? (after removing the seeds of course) this is my first grow, and i can buy pretty decent headies here, so im not too worried about losing potency in my female. i might use some cuttings as clones, and just pollinate the motherplant :leaf:

so when is the best time to pollinate... right before flowering, im guessing?? and after pollinating, can the motherplant survive for another season??


Active Member
Of course u can still smoke it, and it will probably be some decent smoke! What i would do if i had good smoke already after harvest i would attempt to make hash out of the plant! You may be surprised how potent u can make that hash, and u can use both plants to do so. Just youtube videos or search for how to do it!
Best time to pollinate would be when u switch ur lights to 12/12 but by having both plants in ur area they will do it themselves so no worries! I have grown Female only plants outside and on occasion i would find a seed in my plants so they are somehow getting pollinated from a male? idk where and who is growing near me but about 2 years ago it made a set of all Feminized G13 plants seedy!
The mother plant prob wont make it if u matured it, if u leave a mother plant in 18/6 the plant will continue to grow and can stay alive forever or hell close to it if u take good care of it! Once the plant is fully matured it will eventually die!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's how you make seeds.

Almost no one does it because it's WAY faster to take clones, you know the clones are female, and there are already hundreds of companies breeding awesome, tested, strains.

Think of it like dogs - if you want more dogs, do you let two dogs have sex, and then wait for the puppies to get big? No, you just cut off pieces of the female, clone her, and kill the male.


Active Member
Yeah, that's how you make seeds.

Almost no one does it because it's WAY faster to take clones, you know the clones are female, and there are already hundreds of companies breeding awesome, tested, strains.

Think of it like dogs - if you want more dogs, do you let two dogs have sex, and then wait for the puppies to get big? No, you just cut off pieces of the female, clone her, and kill the male.
I will be using that "saying" one day and i cant wait! That was soooo funny! lol i wanna smoke a spliff with u, my treat!


Well-Known Member
I will do a crop for seed and then the subsequent crops for smoking...that way it is awhile before I have to do it again to get more seeds.


Well-Known Member
If one turns out to be male and the other female separate them. Collect pollen from the male and store it in a dry air tight place. Kill the male. Wait until your female plant is ready to chop down, maybe harvest a little early, when 80 percent of the plant is harvested dump the pollen on the rest of the buds. They'll grow seeds and you'll get to keep some quality nuggets that haven't been exposed to pollen.

Also Single Seed Centre and Attitude are super reliable seed banks that will stealth ship to the states no problem.
i take the bud with seeds and when they are dry the go into a mini-blender and chop chop. the seeds go to the bottom and once you sift out the stems and crap you have a nice mix of cannabis. also use a toothbrush on the sides and bottom of the container to scrape the residue, thats good stuff there.


Yeah, that's how you make seeds.

Almost no one does it because it's WAY faster to take clones, you know the clones are female, and there are already hundreds of companies breeding awesome, tested, strains.

Think of it like dogs - if you want more dogs, do you let two dogs have sex, and then wait for the puppies to get big? No, you just cut off pieces of the female, clone her, and kill the male.