Seeds Are Not Germinating.



x 5 super silver haze is not germinating... i was told i would expect to see the sprout within 24hours, but nothing...

i placed them on a dish with damp paper towel with a damp paper towel over them.. room temp: 25degree Celsius, dark too. i have left it for 24hours and it still looks the same..

the color of the beans are black and some light brown/black.

any suggestions or am i impatient?


Well-Known Member
yeah imatient i think...some will pop in 24hrs i dont think most do that though..keep the paper towel moist and make sure it has good contact with the seeds put it in a drawer and check once a day.hoefully the will do it.


Active Member

x 5 super silver haze is not germinating... i was told i would expect to see the sprout within 24hours, but nothing...

i placed them on a dish with damp paper towel with a damp paper towel over them.. room temp: 25degree Celsius, dark too. i have left it for 24hours and it still looks the same..

the color of the beans are black and some light brown/black.

any suggestions or am i impatient?
I have almost a 100% germ rate with this method...
Get yourself a Seedling Heat Mat! Trust me!!! If anyone else tells you otherwise they are WRONG! You should also get a Humidity Dome.

1.) Soak the beans in a few inches of distilled water in a plastic cup. Never use a glass from your kitchen or anything that has been washed w/soap obviously. Put the cup with the water in it on the Seedling Mat. They will soak this way for roughly 24 hours. You should see them crack usually in 12 but some take longer. Swirl the water in the cup until they sink to the bottom of the water as they will float when you 1st put them in.

2.) At the same time put your soil in your cups and water them so the soil is damp. While the seeds are still soaking in the water place the cups on the Heat Mat as well w/the Humidity Dome over them. This will keep the soil moist and the Heat Mat will warm the soil. Forget Paper towels! That whole process only exposes your tap root to light and will expose the seedlings to stress and temp changes that can all cause trouble! Also, fussing with paper towels also increases the risk that fragile tap root could get pinched or damaged will will lead to troubles as well. As soon as your seeds "Crack Open" move them to the soil and put them tap root side down into the warm soil. I usually have germinated seedlings in 48-72 hours this way.

Think about what is most natural... There is no magic seedling fairy flying around the forests germinating seeds in paper towels right? The most natural way will always be the best way. Move each seed as they crack open to soil! Do not let the ones that have cracked sit in the water because the others have not opened yet. You do not want your seeds with a tap root emerging sitting in water. Another thing to realize is temps. Your soil needs to be warm like it would be in the sun.

I'm sure your Silver Haze will crack but make sure the paper towels stay damp and WARM! If they are cold to the touch that could be the prob, give what I said a thought and give it a shot! Trust me you will be happy with the results.


I have almost a 100% germ rate with this method...
Get yourself a Seedling Heat Mat! Trust me!!! If anyone else tells you otherwise they are WRONG! You should also get a Humidity Dome.

1.) Soak the beans in a few inches of distilled water in a plastic cup. Never use a glass from your kitchen or anything that has been washed w/soap obviously. Put the cup with the water in it on the Seedling Mat. They will soak this way for roughly 24 hours. You should see them crack usually in 12 but some take longer. Swirl the water in the cup until they sink to the bottom of the water as they will float when you 1st put them in.

2.) At the same time put your soil in your cups and water them so the soil is damp. While the seeds are still soaking in the water place the cups on the Heat Mat as well w/the Humidity Dome over them. This will keep the soil moist and the Heat Mat will warm the soil. Forget Paper towels! That whole process only exposes your tap root to light and will expose the seedlings to stress and temp changes that can all cause trouble! Also, fussing with paper towels also increases the risk that fragile tap root could get pinched or damaged will will lead to troubles as well. As soon as your seeds "Crack Open" move them to the soil and put them tap root side down into the warm soil. I usually have germinated seedlings in 48-72 hours this way.

Think about what is most natural... There is no magic seedling fairy flying around the forests germinating seeds in paper towels right? The most natural way will always be the best way. Move each seed as they crack open to soil! Do not let the ones that have cracked sit in the water because the others have not opened yet. You do not want your seeds with a tap root emerging sitting in water. Another thing to realize is temps. Your soil needs to be warm like it would be in the sun.

I'm sure your Silver Haze will crack but make sure the paper towels stay damp and WARM! If they are cold to the touch that could be the prob, give what I said a thought and give it a shot! Trust me you will be happy with the results.
thanks alot for that reply! what sort of temperature am i looking for? i heard, 70deg f...

i placed my dish on top of my laptop adapter.. the damp tissue inside felt warm, so i took it off as i wasn't sure if was ok for to germinate the seeds in that warm condition...

shall i leave the dish on top of the adapter all the time?


right, its at 80degF. hope it will do something soon. i thought it would take 24hours.. i watched a video from youtube where someone germinated their blueberry skunk seeds within 24hours..


Active Member
bongsmilieYour in good shape! Your temp is good and keep it constant. Just a waiting game now. I would get my soil in some cups and get it watered and "warmed" up so you can plant them as they crack. The longer those tap roots get as they emerge the better chance they will get damaged during a trans-plant. The soil should not be much colder than if not the same temp as the paper towels! Gotta be ready if they crack. Soon as you see a little white smile on them it's time! Throw a sandwich baggie over the cup once you have them in the soil to create a nice greenhouse effect in your cups. And your very welcome... Good luck with the Silver Haze. What a great choice man. GHS? Sensi Seeds? Which silver is it?


will do. thanks for the advice.. they're GHS... whats the difference between them? which is better?


Active Member
will do. thanks for the advice.. they're GHS... whats the difference between them? which is better?
Different parents more than likely, as lots of famous strains there are many "copy-cats".
White Widow for example has about 25 different breeders.
Mr Nice Seeds being the only breeder with the original parents making theirs the original white widow that actually won the cup.
This happens to many different strains that become popular and win cups.

For which is better I'd say depends on what phenos you get from your seeds, myself would try to go with the original breeder but I'm sure the bud of the copycats are good too.


Well-Known Member
My advice would be not to use the paper towels, follow blitzkriegs instructions but you really dont need the humidity domes. They only increase the possibility of excess heat and root rot. Roots and sprouts don't need humidity anyway, just make sure the dirt doesn't get cold. Otherwise just make sure you don't overwater.

After I water the first time I usually don't do it again until the seed comes up or the first 1/2" is bone dry. The roots usually close to the bottom of the cup by the time it hits air so it has plenty of water even when it looks dry on top.




thanks alot! (3 with very small sprouts, 1 cracked, and the other still needs time.)

where do i put these cups of soil with these germinated seeds? when do i put it in the grow room?


Well-Known Member
I put mine under flouroscents for 24-36hrs basically long enough for them to open the cotyledons and get some color. After that they should be fine under whatever light you plan to grow with just start it up high and lower it down as they get bigger. Check ever 6-12hrs at first to make sure they aren't getting bleached.


I put mine under flouroscents for 24-36hrs basically long enough for them to open the cotyledons and get some color. After that they should be fine under whatever light you plan to grow with just start it up high and lower it down as they get bigger. Check ever 6-12hrs at first to make sure they aren't getting bleached.

how will it get bleached?


Active Member
Different parents more than likely, as lots of famous strains there are many "copy-cats".
White Widow for example has about 25 different breeders.
Mr Nice Seeds being the only breeder with the original parents making theirs the original white widow that actually won the cup.
This happens to many different strains that become popular and win cups.

For which is better I'd say depends on what phenos you get from your seeds, myself would try to go with the original breeder but I'm sure the bud of the copycats are good too.
Now that is a cool bedtime story kids. Shantiba (aka Mr. Nice) was the original breeder at GHS and Arjan's partner. The two had a bit of a falling out and Shantiba left - taking his genetics with him. That is why when you look at the strain lists you see GHS White Widow/Mr. Nice Black Widow and GHS Great White Shark/Mr. Nice Shark Shock. GHS White Rhino is Mr. Nice Medicine Man and so on and so on. Since then Arjan has gone on to pilfer other strains like Train Wreck, Jack Herer, Bubba Kush and so on. If you want the real Silver it's Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze the backbone of most of the GHS Haze's, including Super Lemon Haze which is Silver x Lemon Skunk.


Active Member
Now that is a cool bedtime story kids. Shantiba (aka Mr. Nice) was the original breeder at GHS and Arjan's partner. The two had a bit of a falling out and Shantiba left - taking his genetics with him. That is why when you look at the strain lists you see GHS White Widow/Mr. Nice Black Widow and GHS Great White Shark/Mr. Nice Shark Shock. GHS White Rhino is Mr. Nice Medicine Man and so on and so on. Since then Arjan has gone on to pilfer other strains like Train Wreck, Jack Herer, Bubba Kush and so on. If you want the real Silver it's Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze the backbone of most of the GHS Haze's, including Super Lemon Haze which is Silver x Lemon Skunk.
Yup and GHS claims the originals -_- Can't forget Neville Schoenmaker though who worked along with Shantibaba creating these strains.
Super Silver Haze is actually Neville's Creation. Mr Nice Mango Haze is Shantibaba's Creation. The exact same fathers but Neville chose his favorite mother out of a few hundred plants creating SSH, Shanti chose his favorite sister plant creating MH. :D

Neville Retired, Shanti joined Howard Marks One badass mofo too boot and tada MrNiceSeeds :)
MNS would kick the shit out of GHS anyday <-- Thought I'd add that


Well-Known Member
how will it get bleached?
Just from putting the light too close. The heat and intense light dries out the leaves faster than it can get water, you need to let it get some roots established first. 80f ambient and 80f with a heatvsource several inches away are a bit different.


Well-Known Member
Ive had seeds that have taken up to 5 days to crack in towels, when other seeds same strain crack in 2 days, so just keep conditions right and give them some time Im sure they'll be cracking soon. Ive also just soaked seeds for a day and plant them in damp soil whether they were cracked or not and Ive only had a few that didnt break soil and a couple I might have planted a tad to deep. Take Care, Peace!


i placed the germinated seeds with sprouts facing down into soil.. 1inch deep hole. and covered... is this right?? some people are not covering their seed with soil... what shall i do?