

i have 2 new sprouts of just bag seed, and one of the sprouts so far is doing fine, but the other one has not had growth in probably 5 days. i have them under 3x27 watt bright white bulbs and 1 42 watt 2700 K, about 3 inches away from the bright whites. so far i have been watering every other day and am hopefully soon going to transfer these to an outdoor grow. the one i am having trouble with is a light green with 1 or 2 small yellow spots on the true leaves. should i worry about this or is this normal?

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
i poped 4 seeds gerninated in paper towel all 4 germinated transplanted in peat pellet 3 became plants 1 stayed with the seed poped little tap root same as when i first put it in i guess wasnt ment to be after 2 weeks dumped it still had little sprout so i guess its normal, 100% is hard to come by.


I have some yellow spots on the tips of some of my 5 day old seedlings. I flushed all the pots with water because I heard it might be from nute burn.


Active Member
it isnt "normal". But sounds like your watering it to much. seedlings dont need water every other day.