

Can someone tell me what's going on here?

One on the left had its root exposed to light when I was changing buckets so I snipped the (what seemed to be dead) part off and tried to let it grow, doesn't seem to be looking too good. But the other plant is experiencing something on the ends of the leaf. It's about Day 11 still haven't added nutrients as the roots are developing.



Well-Known Member
Hate to say but somehow looks a bit burnt. If you haven't added nutes I don't know what to say unless you had nutes in there in the beginning or they got crispy from the light. But they look like they are recoverying ok so just let them have some more time to get started. Seedlings are very tender at this stage and whatever it was the did that to the leaf most assuredly slowed the growth rate down some.
Good Luck


Probably crispy from the light, its a 600W and I have pulled it down to be like a few feet from the seedlings, I put it further away we'll see what happens. Seems like the one on the left is slowly recovering as I checked the roots it's definitely picking up but it has slowed the rate down for sure


Well-Known Member
dude dude yo you should use fluorescents for a week or two.
How many ppm are you feeding? What da ph too?
You are testing you water/nutes for ph and ppms?


Dunno, it's my first grow, just using an MH bulb at the moment. Ballast can be dimmed to 400w is that better for the seedling process?

pH is 5.8 and ppm @ 155, added nutes earlier today, half strength.


Active Member
Really fluros are best -- but its a tough call as you dont want to much stretching either ... just keep an eye on them -- at this stage a false move can mean curtains for those youngins