seedlings yellowing tips red stems help? (PICS)


Active Member
i have some bagseed that i germinated on the 8th and sprouted on the 10th they were looking good but had red stems from the start and now the leaves on one of them is starting to yellow at the tips. i hit them with a 400-500 light nute mix about 4 days ago and they seems to react good and growth increased in like a day. here are the pics of them.[/IMG]
also i have some kolossus and ko kush x starkush that i germinated a few days after the bagseed. they all sprouted good and taproots started to show much sooner than the bagseed, the stems were all a beautiful green for the first few days but have started turning a purple red color aswell, also i would like to know if any of my seeds are ready for the transplant into the dwc systems.


Active Member
humidity is around 50 to 60% normally and temps get too high sometimes im fixing that tomorrow though. around 87 during the mid of the day and around 78 at night, they are going in a hydro system.


Well-Known Member
oooh sorry i didnt read that... id say yea in my opinion but im sure about 5 billion people will say no.. and 5 billion more will say yeah lol, if youre not ready find a way to hide them roots from the light.. light kills roots


Active Member
oooh sorry i didnt read that... id say yea in my opinion but im sure about 5 billion people will say no.. and 5 billion more will say yeah lol, if youre not ready find a way to hide them roots from the light.. light kills roots
k well they are going in the system today. check out the grow journal for results lol