Seedlings won't emerge from soil


Active Member
I've got about a dozen germinated seeds that have been stuck the last few days with their heads below the soil. They look like little green horseshoes with both ends beneath the surface. I'll attach a pictures so you can all see what I mean. I'm wondering what my next step should be? Should I just let them be for a few more days and see if they emerge on their own? One of the seedlings looks like it's dampened off already, unfortunately. I'm trying to start an outdoor garden for a lady with MS and am anxious for these expensive seeds to successfully emerge from the soil. All help is appreciated.
A little info: I have the seeds in seed starter mix in about 2" containers with a germination mat underneath. I've been misting the soil a couple times a day while waiting for the seedlings to emerge. I had a 2'- 4 bulb T5 at approx 9" above the soil last three days (once the seedlings appeared as though they were about to emerge) but I removed the light this morning after speculating that maybe it was too much light/heat for the emerging seedlings.


I watered like normal, and mine came up just like that, they bent up and straightened out once they popped up and grew towards the light


Well-Known Member
Put the light back nine inch should be fine, I have mine much closer, they need the strength to break free, won't get it without light, keep the very top part where the head is moist and all should be ok.


Well-Known Member
You can try to let them dry out... seedlings will putter along for like 2 weeks, bone dry before eating their roots and dieing.
Just leave them be, resist the urge to scratch in the pot. I've had seeds take 10 days and longer to pop properly.