seedlings wont break out of shell

drugs are bad

Active Member
i just planted 3 seeds on march 25. two of them did not break out of there shell, but did grow above the soil. i was able to help one out but the last one looks like its not going to break out of its shell. any tips on what i should do? and i have the seed growing under where im flowering my first plant is it to much light coming through for the flowering plant


Well-Known Member
lol they fall off on there own guys, the stem and the plant part will "push" it off so to speak


New Member
I would wait, the first set of leaves are especially delicate and IMPORTANT. If you lose those, you will lose the plant. Growing well is all about patience.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes for light I had same prob first three out of four times been growing now for three months was informed that i was not planting beans deep enough for seedling to work out of husk six succeses since then. luck to you bro Im out


Well-Known Member
If you pick them off be gentle but you can wait will fall on its own as it out grows the husk .


you need to remove them, they sometimes need a little help be very gentle and remove with fingers, also spray down to get rid of human oils on the seedlings, very very delicate man


Well-Known Member
i just planted 3 seeds on march 25. two of them did not break out of there shell, but did grow above the soil. i was able to help one out but the last one looks like its not going to break out of its shell. any tips on what i should do? and i have the seed growing under where im flowering my first plant is it to much light coming through for the flowering plant
i get those too sometimes ....whut i do is very gently take a tweezers and curfully remove half the shell it should be just fine after that :joint:8-)