Seedlings under light?


Well-Known Member
So I'm putting my sprouted seedlings into my moist soil do I need to put them under the light yet? Or wait until they start breaking the soil?


Active Member
if you sprouted them first then planted them you need to put somekind of light near them,if you put the seeds unsprouted into moist soil you dont need a light for a couple days,or untill u see them brakeing ground,but it dont hurt to have a light close to the soil to give them extra warmth


Well-Known Member
I always have a cfl or two over the cups, about 3". That way the second the pop out, they have light to look at! Just like in nature, the sun is there for at least 18 hrs a day and its more intense. So I say, put them under the veg light now, and keep em here til flower! And repot as needed. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I always have a cfl or two over the cups, about 3". That way the second the pop out, they have light to look at! Just like in nature, the sun is there for at least 18 hrs a day and its more intense. So I say, put them under the veg light now, and keep em here til flower! And repot as needed. Happy growing!
I was thinking the same thing but I was wondering about water, I didn't put too much water in the pot with them for fear I was going to drown them. Just keep an eye on them and make sure they are moist?


Well-Known Member
If they are still in the soil and not popped up yet, wet the soil, make sure you have good draining soil, put cling wrap over the top to keep the humidity in. If they have popped out, you shouldn't have to water for a few days or a week. Until they establish roots. But make sure you have good drainage. Then once the soil is dry a ways down (don't know the size of your pot, should start in solo cup first) just add water till a little comes out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
If they are still in the soil and not popped up yet, wet the soil, make sure you have good draining soil, put cling wrap over the top to keep the humidity in. If they have popped out, you shouldn't have to water for a few days or a week. Until they establish roots. But make sure you have good drainage. Then once the soil is dry a ways down (don't know the size of your pot, should start in solo cup first) just add water till a little comes out the bottom.
Well I just put them in my six gallon pots and moistened the top of them pretty good I have roots organic soil looks like it drains pretty good

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Hope you did not start of with the Six gallon pot and in RO. Roots Organic is to hot for seedlings. You will get nasty burns on the plants. When i started a bag bean in RO just to see if it would make it, it died within a week and a half. I plant in Light Warrior for first 2.5 weeks then transplant to RO
Well I just put them in my six gallon pots and moistened the top of them pretty good I have roots organic soil looks like it drains pretty good


Well-Known Member
Hope you did not start of with the Six gallon pot and in RO. Roots Organic is to hot for seedlings. You will get nasty burns on the plants. When i started a bag bean in RO just to see if it would make it, it died within a week and a half. I plant in Light Warrior for first 2.5 weeks then transplant to RO
Oh really now. See that's what I get for not asking first haha.