Seedlings under 24/0 going outside May 15. Options?

I started February 17. Well actually my blueberry auto was outside by then as I live in south Alabama. It went through a lot of cold so only got 20 inches tall. I brought it in during freezing nights then put it back out at daylight because it warms up quickly here but still went through 50's during a lot of days.Now its 59 days in 2 weeks flowering starting 3 days into 3rd week. I think it'll finish around may 17-may 22. I wander how much I will get off it because all side limbs are small buds starting up to 2-3 inches but mainly just main stalk


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I would cut back 2 hours a week until you get to your target date/hours. I've always heard it is better for the plants to have at least a little down time to get rid of toxins and such.
I would cut back 2 hours a week until you get to your target date/hours. I've always heard it is better for the plants to have at least a little down time to get rid of toxins and such.
Well in 29 days in gonna start flushing it but I'm starting a new outdoor grow germinating seeds starting Monday and probably planting by 5 days later in peat cups.Growing indoor for a couple weeks under 180 Watts of led to make them strong them planting them straight into 5 gallon pots and placing all 4 in a cage big enough for 4 five gallon pots with some extra space and the door on the cage is up top but unopened they can still get 30 inches tall. Now 3 of them are female think different autos and the fourth is a photo blueberry I will clone the hell out of!
Run your veg at 18/6 for another 2 weeks, and don't worry about light switch, just worry about outside temps (frost in NE)
If your worrying about shock because of light schedule shift, don't.
Its outside grown through the cold which is why I only got it 20 inches but I read they total 36.this is my first auto grow.
I would cut back 2 hours a week until you get to your target date/hours. I've always heard it is better for the plants to have at least a little down time to get rid of toxins and such.
I also think I'll harvest at may 29th so mine will end up being 101 days so don't always believe when the company says 70-90 days total.might be true for their country or indoors but not here outside.
Well in 29 days in gonna start flushing it but I'm starting a new outdoor grow germinating seeds starting Monday and probably planting by 5 days later in peat cups.Growing indoor for a couple weeks under 180 Watts of led to make them strong them planting them straight into 5 gallon pots and placing all 4 in a cage big enough for 4 five gallon pots with some extra space and the door on the cage is up top but unopened they can still get 30 inches tall. Now 3 of them are female think different autos and the fourth is a photo blueberry I will clone the hell out of!
If they get taller than that I'm just opening the cage door up and I'm using the bottom,sides and top of cage for tying down.
I'm of the opinion that many people in this thread are quite lucky.
Location and planting date are going to have a lot to do with the outcome.
I've always found that more mature plants are more sensitive to time changes. So if you have really mature plants that go from 24/0 to 14/10, the chances they start into flower are much greater than a young plant that only has a handful of nodes.
I have my seedlings on 12/12 to sex but even then, they will go back to veg once outside.
doesnt that only work for clones? since techinically it was a mature plant at cut, i currently have one outside from seed thats pretty much on a 12/12 from the currently time of day and night but im pretty sure by the time its sexually mature its going to stick in veg until early fall
I have my seedlings on 12/12 to sex but even then, they will go back to veg once outside.
I am starting mine indoors to get them strong before going out after 2 weeks because I lost 8 out of 10 blueberry autos due to very windy weather only a few days old and it turned out very expensive because one of the remaining two was promised to a friend and my other one I started outside too early February 17 and at least 2 weeks of no growth due to 45-65 degree days and brought inside at night because of frost and they have about 5 weeks so no more believes about exactly what they say about time to fully grow an auto.With that being said they do definitely autoflower but not at the time said unless its because of being outdoors idk etc..
The key word here is seedlings. If they aren't mature yet, they won't be flowering, no matter the duration of time with lights on or off. It may shock them when they go out, due to complete change environment. Too many people over think these things. Each strain has a photo period it lives by. It'll flower when your lights, or nature correctly tell it to. Not by drastic change in lighting. As long as you have enough daylight hours in your area, you'll be just fine. The only concern you should have is temperature and climate changes when they go out.
The key word here is seedlings. If they aren't mature yet, they won't be flowering, no matter the duration of time with lights on or off. It may shock them when they go out, due to complete change environment. Too many people over think these things. Each strain has a photo period it lives by. It'll flower when your lights, or nature correctly tell it to. Not by drastic change in lighting. As long as you have enough daylight hours in your area, you'll be just fine. The only concern you should have is temperature and climate changes when they go out.
I understand what your saying. The only reason I wanna keep them indoors a couple weeks is because I lost 8 out of 10 blueberry autos due to the weather being so windy the first few days I set them out and it killed 8 of them. I lost over 100$ so I just wanna make sure their a little stronger. I don't really want to use the light since their going outside but I have before put them in a cage closed up with thick cardboard on top because of heavy rain and it was soaking into the cardboard keeping the young plants from being beat down but this last time it was the wind. I always put them inside cages like animal this this time a huge dog cage until I feel there big enough they have a lot less chance of animals killing them. With these 4 particular plants though in growing in 5 gallon pots the entire cycle because I have 3 think different autos and 1 ak 47 auto. The cage is plenty big enough to let them get 30 inches and if they get bigger all I half to do is open the door at the top because I have the cage turned up that way so then vertical growth can continue if its more than 30 inches. I can also tie them to the sides of the cage because they probably will need it.
I understand what your saying. The only reason I wanna keep them indoors a couple weeks is because I lost 8 out of 10 blueberry autos due to the weather being so windy the first few days I set them out and it killed 8 of them. I lost over 100$ so I just wanna make sure their a little stronger. I don't really want to use the light since their going outside but I have before put them in a cage closed up with thick cardboard on top because of heavy rain and it was soaking into the cardboard keeping the young plants from being beat down but this last time it was the wind. I always put them inside cages like animal this this time a huge dog cage until I feel there big enough they have a lot less chance of animals killing them. With these 4 particular plants though in growing in 5 gallon pots the entire cycle because I have 3 think different autos and 1 ak 47 auto. The cage is plenty big enough to let them get 30 inches and if they get bigger all I half to do is open the door at the top because I have the cage turned up that way so then vertical growth can continue if its more than 30 inches. I can also tie them to the sides of the cage because they probably will need it.
As far as temperature its perfect in south Alabama right now
I'm of the opinion that many people in this thread are quite lucky.
Location and planting date are going to have a lot to do with the outcome.
I've always found that more mature plants are more sensitive to time changes. So if you have really mature plants that go from 24/0 to 14/10, the chances they start into flower are much greater than a young plant that only has a handful of nodes.

Must be lucky,
Never had the veg u less that's what I was trying to do; and that's indoors only. Outdoor I always plant in April and veg a month or two before
Another thing to consider when transitioning from inside to outside is not only the duration of the light time, but the increased intensity of the outside sunlight versus indoor lighting.

If you gradually introduce your inside plants to the sunlight, they have a better chance of escaping a sunburn. Consider putting them out in filtered sunlight for a few hours the first day or two so they can acclimate before putting them in their final flowering location under full sun.

If they are going in a remote location, some people wait to put the girls out until there's a couple of overcast / rainy days to help with the transplant. Slugs are pretty active little rippers then, so don't forget to take precautions.
Another thing to consider when transitioning from inside to outside is not only the duration of the light time, but the increased intensity of the outside sunlight versus indoor lighting.

If you gradually introduce your inside plants to the sunlight, they have a better chance of escaping a sunburn. Consider putting them out in filtered sunlight for a few hours the first day or two so they can acclimate before putting them in their final flowering location under full sun.

If they are going in a remote location, some people wait to put the girls out until there's a couple of overcast / rainy days to help with the transplant. Slugs are pretty active little rippers then, so don't forget to take precautions.
See that was what I was worried about. As I said many times I don't know really anything about indoor and as you said "transitioning" . Now,about 22-24 years ago I was about 12 years old but already been slowly taught outdoors a little by my grandfather and dad.Dad got me 100 watt plant light for Christmas because that's what I wanted LOL.Don't even know what type just that it was a Walmart special and I was proud. I got me an old freezer and ran electric cords into our woods from the house and hooked that light up middle of winter. It was Alabama but still cold plenty so I kept the light on basically experimenting didn't know what the hell I's doing but excited as hell.I even it 14 seedlings in 2-3 cut off litre bottles and inside that small freezer and for 2 months with the top closed and 100 Watts kept em alive and even got them about 18 inches tall at 24/7 lights on. When it warmed up I immediately put them in full sun like I said didn't know wth I was doing but went back in 3 days and those plants were pyre yellow and dry enough to smoke and at 14 I already smoked weed but didn't that for some reason but my point is THANKS FOR BRINGING TRANSITION UP!! Im worried about that now if I do it 22-24 years later though I always been fairly successful outdoors but entire time but to get good seeds nowadays I like a lot or most people order seed and I lost 8 out of 10 because I put them out from sprouts no cover and a bad windy rainstorm killed all but 2 in the first few days .I take that back 8 out of 9,the 10th I had indoors but brought outside every day at sunrise and it lived and willie harvested my first blueberry auto in around 5 weeks and the other that lived I hated I promised to a friend so I only got one and spent 100$ or a little more. LOL I learned a lesson to say the least but that's why I don't know whether to use the 60 watt light this time for 4 in peat pots a couple weeks or like the only other I have right now outside carry them out each morning and bring back in at night or I have a smaller cage than the 1 I finish or plan to finish some autos in,I have a smaller one Im thinking about placing them in and watch carefully and bring in if bad weather a couple first weeks etc.. I am about to decide one way or another because Im keeping a slight journal this go round and I have a picture of my sprouts this morning meaning I will be putting them in already made up peat pots by tomorrow or Friday. Sorry to ramble so much but I had to explain the crazy story to shed lightwhy Im glad you brought up the transition and THANKS AGAIN! !
I understand what your saying. The only reason I wanna keep them indoors a couple weeks is because I lost 8 out of 10 blueberry autos due to the weather being so windy the first few days I set them out and it killed 8 of them. I lost over 100$ so I just wanna make sure their a little stronger. I don't really want to use the light since their going outside but I have before put them in a cage closed up with thick cardboard on top because of heavy rain and it was soaking into the cardboard keeping the young plants from being beat down but this last time it was the wind. I always put them inside cages like animal this this time a huge dog cage until I feel there big enough they have a lot less chance of animals killing them. With these 4 particular plants though in growing in 5 gallon pots the entire cycle because I have 3 think different autos and 1 ak 47 auto. The cage is plenty big enough to let them get 30 inches and if they get bigger all I half to do is open the door at the top because I have the cage turned up that way so then vertical growth can continue if its more than 30 inches. I can also tie them to the sides of the cage because they probably will need it.
so if you grow at least ten grams you’re fine