Seedlings Problem


Active Member
Hi guys just looking for a little help to my problem.

Basically my seedlings are just over 1 week old under 123w CFL for vegging.

The only thing they are given is Ph'd water, no nutes at all. They are in Canna Terra Seed mix soil and that's in peat pots. Temps sit between 23 - 25 degrees.

Anyway, they are developing brown spots on the leaves. The best thing to do is to take a look at the pictures.

Thanks for all help and replies.



Active Member
It almost looks like something was spilled on it. The one thing I'm wondering about is maybe your water/soil PH may be off. Ideally you want your water to be around 6.5 and the soil to be at about 7.0. =)


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. It is about 2 inches from the CFL, I heard this was fine as they don't produce too much heat.

I Ph the water before I give them it, next time I will test the run off of the water also. It is usually about 6.5, but it's one of the ph drops kit I use.

If I move them farther from the light, will they recover?


Well-Known Member
you can have em 2 inches away IF you got a fan running . blowin on the bulb itself if you know what i mean.
It could also be a cal/mag deficiency. I had brown spots on my clones that looked just like that because I use Reverse Osmosis water and made a newbie mistake of not realizing that RO water has almost no minerals in it. I bought Advanced Nutrients Cal/Mag supplement and foliar fed my plants at half the strength recommended about 3-4 times a day and they came around after about 5-7 days, but I lost all of that week's growth and now am a week behind. *** They all might still be right about the light, but if you use distilled or RO water, a lot of higher end soils have low levels of Cal and Mag since most people's tap water is high in it.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Plants start needing nutrients when they are at that size. It may not grow much if any until you feed it. Brownbear is probably right and you need to check the soil pH asap. If the pH is off too much, the plant may not be able to make use of nutrients even if you gave it some.