Seedlings not looking too good please HELP!!

I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I need help! my seedlings just popped out of the rockwool this morning before I left for work @ 8am. I had 1 26w cfl overnight & decided to add another this morning because the 1st leaves looked yellow & curled down. Just came from work & they've taken more of a green color but they're still curled down. I'm a newbie to growing & I've never used rockwool.I know a ph of 5.5 is ideal but I soaked them for 30 minutes in distilled water ph'ed down to 5.1 prior to planting seeds, can this be the issue?? I haven't watered since the initial soaking which was over 24hrs ago, so I doubt its over watered. This is in a computer grow case by the way with 1 bogus intake fan in the front end of the desktop & an out in the back. It gets pretty warm & dry, can it be humidity? should I cover with clear plastic cups? Thanks in advance I hope somebody response before these babies die.
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they actually look fine man, i dont see a problem here, new seedlings tend to curl like that all the time, they are just the cotlydons and they will fall off anyways as the plant gets older, everything seems in order here, good job, just be careful of overwatering and try to bring the ph up to about 5.8 - 6 other than that great job


Well-Known Member
I agree with aknight3, they look ok for just popping up, don't worry so much, once the first main leaves apear they should look better.


i seem to be sayin this alot but listen to dee lol.

ps. sometimes very new seedling will pop up yellow, its happened to me before, its just becasue they are so so young, once they get some light they green right up, which is prob what you experienced, as said before i wouldnt worry a bit if i were you other than watch the over water, good luck friend


Well-Known Member
You are overwatering already. They are big rw cubes you got there, are they going into a hydro system? Also no domes and ditch that plastic cup it will kill the seedling.
You are overwatering already. They are big rw cubes you got there, are they going into a hydro system? Also no domes and ditch that plastic cup it will kill the seedling.
Thanks everybody your responses are much appreciated! they actually do look a lot better now I'm a little more @ ease lol.... @BUDS these are only 1.5" mini blocks. I haven't watered them @ all besides the 1st time I soaked them in water (which is what was recommended) that was prior to me planting the seedlings in the cubes. & yes after I see roots @ the bottom of the cube I will transplant to a bigger block & finally into hydroton with a top drip irrigation system.