Seedlings leafs are very.. err....Erect?


Well-Known Member

well my 6 day old seedlings are doing well.

they look healthy and all that, but there's something happening....

since yesterday the leaves seem very erect. they are creating a sort of v-shape.

they are under a 600w HPS, and the heat is maybe a little on the high side.



i dont know wat u mean by erect but if the leaves are pointing up they are good, running that 600 is a waste and seedlings respond alot better to mh or cfl's of 6500k


Well-Known Member
have you ever had a bad experience with an erection?
that means extreme health if i'm not mistaken.:hump:
haha, ok. thanks ;)

i dont know wat u mean by erect but if the leaves are pointing up they are good, running that 600 is a waste and seedlings respond alot better to mh or cfl's of 6500k
yes, they are pointing up.

i know, 600 seems quite extreme. it's more of a test run for later. to see what my grow room conditions are like.

It's supposed to be one of those dual spectrum bulbs, not sure if that helps much at all.


Active Member
I had the same thing happen, it freaked me out too. In favt I made a thread about it (but as I recall noone replied ;-().

Anyhoo, the eventually went 'limp' and all was well!


i havn't used the dual spectrum bulbs b4 but if its from hortilux they claim it produces less lumens but the light spectrum is much better making up for quality of ur bud rather than quanity still plenty of lumens tho as long as ur plant arn't over 4 ft


Well-Known Member
How many seedlings do you have? Are they already in gallon or bigger pots where you can't physically have them a couple inches apart? If so and that's all you have(I know multiple hids are not in the budgest for alot of people), go for it. In 4" rockwool/pots, I could do better with 4 t12's at a third the power and minimal heat to deal with. A 400 MH would do wonders but you would have to address the heat. I used the closet to veg with no heat venting. I had two rows of 4 40 watt tubes. Leave the closet closed with a little fan inside to blow on the plants. Temps would get high eighties to maybe 90F. That's perfect for veg in my mind. They always look beautiful. I'm going to do the same thing with 28w T5's and see how they work out.