Seedlings keep dying

Hello, so I'm a first time grower. I had bought peat moss, perlite cow compost and dolomite lime. I mixed all that up.
My seedlings looked good until their 3 week which is attached... I was watering twice a week then read that they'll eventually need some nutrients so I bought fish emulsion, 1 tablespoon per gallon and feed that to them. Days later they looked like the picture below. Can anyone specifically tell by looking at the seedlings if not I'll take any advice. All of them looked like that



Well-Known Member
To begin with, I have a hard time understanding why you did not just buy soil and some good organic nutrients for your first grow. Growing a weed is not that hard.


Well-Known Member
How carefully did you weigh the ingredients? And did you check at least the pH because when you go overboard with the one or the other it's gonna throw the balance out of whack


Well-Known Member
Isn't getting the right nutrients. Do you have some humidity? Low humidity will fuck up the ability to pull all nutes evenly. That's a week of growth. More than likely the carbonate in the dolomite tying up the few nutrients in the compost. Or the compost sucks. Could be any thing. Seedlings need nutes. I run the same profile for seedlings as full size plants.

Compost is just a fucked up variable to add to peat moss, in my experience. Could be mostly sodium, or mostly limestone. Who knows. I bought compost from the same company, one bag smelled great and had a ph of 6.5,another bagged smelled like a fucking chemical waste dumpster and had a ph of 8.5. Best to add way less limestone than anyone on a pot forum recommends, maybe 1/4 to half cup per cubic ft, and a cup or 2 of organic nutes per cubic foot. Regular ass Walmart Espoma nutes, not the weedbro shit.