Seedlings, growth rate and standing leaves?

Hey all. I was just curious about the status of my baby plants. They have been up for about 6 days. First I was concerned about the growth rate. Are they supposed to be bigger by now? Yesterday was the first day I left them outside all day and then brought them in for another 6 hours of light under 2 CFL's only like 30 watts combined. Also, you can see with the plant on the right the leaves are standing up. I read somewhere that the leaves are looking for humidity? I've been constantly spraying them because the soil is drying out quickly. So I just did a real good watering that should leave it wet for awhile. Any thoughts/suggestions?
The soil is organic mix derived from like pine trees, hardwood ash, and some other type of tree. It's called evergreen bought from lowes....No added fertilizers. I havn't tested the PH of the water yet. 20130515_142837 (1).jpg
alright I was just taking after another outdoor grow I saw here and figured he knew what he was doing by giving them the extra light. It's only about 12 hours of sunlight they are getting a day by leaving them out there...this is fine though?