Seedlings growing fast.. When do i transplant?

so i have about 6 seedlings growing very fast under 1000MH, transplanted in to half gallon FFoceanforest due to the roots searching for more room out growing the medium i was using.

at what stage or how long should i wait till transplanting again into the 5 gallon i plan on finishing up in?

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Woh man! Go big or go home, huh?

F$#@i'n plant limits...

Anyway. Do what you just did. Wait for them to start pushing roots out of the drain holes in the pots and then set them free in their giant containers.

They are gonna love you.

Mine just grow to 8 inches and then get flipped. Finish at like 1.5 ft. Half gallon pots. I love doing a good monster grow though. MMM haaaaze.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's hard to say you kind of get an idea on the size of the pot and the size of the plant. Also how fast they are drying out. How long you veg will also be a factor. I would try to at least give them a couple weeks to grow into the new containers before they are flowered because the root growth will slow soon after that.
It's hard to say you kind of get an idea on the size of the pot and the size of the plant. Also how fast they are drying out. How long you veg will also be a factor. I would try to at least give them a couple weeks to grow into the new containers before they are flowered because the root growth will slow soon after that.
if roots just happen to slow lets say 4th-5th week into veg, should i still transplant into 5gallon if that is what i am content on doing? does transplanting into 5gallon even mean anything?


Active Member
Depends if you want large plants mate, small pot means small plant. Under 1000w MH transplant em into 5 gallon pot when you feel they drink too much water quickly. I'm still new so don't take my advice for an expert.
When do you wanna flower? cause apparently vegetation is the time where they build the most roots
I'd say give it a week then transplant, should be alot of growth if your seedlings are growing fast
Depends if you want large plants mate, small pot means small plant. Under 1000w MH transplant em into 5 gallon pot when you feel they drink too much water quickly. I'm still new so don't take my advice for an expert.
When do you wanna flower? cause apparently vegetation is the time where they build the most roots
I'd say give it a week then transplant, should be alot of growth if your seedlings are growing fast
yes they are very fast! im thinking about vegging for about 4-5weeks only 5-6 days old now and showing signs of rapid growth. def going big with the 5gallon-ers just dont wanna cause to much shock with a transplant right before flowering. Should i transplant about a week before flowering or days? or just go by the notion of when i feel the root are up to par?


A lot of people go by plant height and say you should have roughly a gallon container size per foot of plant height. So if your plant is to finish at 3 feet you want at least a 3 gal container.

The longer you let your plants veg, the more foliage, and, in turn the more root mass is accumulated. So bigger plants naturally have bigger root systems and require larger containers to produce to their full potential. After lighting intensity container size is probably one of the most significant factors for yield.

Flowering length is highly dependent upon genetics and phenotype. Pretty sure it takes roughly the same amount of time no matter what size container the plant is in, with all other factors being near optimal. Of course, with a good sized container and no nutrients limited, the more light there is the more bud mass will accumulate.
A lot of people go by plant height and say you should have roughly a gallon container size per foot of plant height. So if your plant is to finish at 3 feet you want at least a 3 gal container.

The longer you let your plants veg, the more foliage, and, in turn the more root mass is accumulated. So bigger plants naturally have bigger root systems and require larger containers to produce to their full potential. After lighting intensity container size is probably one of the most significant factors for yield.

Flowering length is highly dependent upon genetics and phenotype. Pretty sure it takes roughly the same amount of time no matter what size container the plant is in, with all other factors being near optimal. Of course, with a good sized container and no nutrients limited, the more light there is the more bud mass will accumulate.
that pretty much sums it up, thank u very much


Well-Known Member
You could line your room with mylar but it might get kinda hot too. I would go with white plastic reflective sheeting. It bounces the light back but stays cool.