Seedlings flouro to MH When?


Well-Known Member
Hey just wondering when it's the 'right time' to transfer my seedlings from underneath the CFL's to the 400W MH. After the first set of true leaves? As soon as they pop?


The russ0r
Truthfully, i would have mine under the MH right away. just not too close. Extra care is used often by alot of people, but as long as they are not being burned i see no problems. i'd have them under now. but, to be safe, if you will, after the first set of single bladed leaves pop out full force, go right on ahead.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the first two leaves that appear? The first green the plant shows? How far away should the MH be at this point? Couple of feet minimum? I'd hate to burn them this early!


The russ0r
i actually meant the true leaves, the first leaves ate coetydelon's but i probably spelled it wrong. 2 feet is a good start, maybe even 2.5-3 and work your way down day by day


Well-Known Member
Very helpful, thanks! I'll pop them under the MH as soon as they get true leaves. They just popped (Chrystal) two days ago and have their first little leaves.