Seedlings 'closing up.'


Ok, I have some little seedlings growing in a party cup. I believe the problem may be linked to the depth of the soil (A full cup of soil somehow turned into around 4" of soil under light and water).
The plants are growing up, if slowly. They're around five days old, and still only have two leaves. This morning, when I checked on them, their two leaves had turned up, as if the plant is closing itself. Since I currently lack a camera, the best way to say it is the tops of the leaves are trying to touch each other.

I have both seedlings under 1500 lumens of light, 24/0 cycle. I'm not adding nutrients to the soil yet, though I have some water ready to receive some molasses for when they start getting a little.... fuller.

So, is this a root space issue? Or is this normal. I've never successfully completed a grow before, so I'm obviously a bit nervous about mah babies.


Active Member
sounds like stretching,get the lights closer,or fill up an extra party cup with enough dirt to raise your seedling higher to light


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a heat issue - they do that to protect themselves. Hard to say without a picture, though.


You, um, sure about that? I've had minor concerns, but, I can't think of what seeds the soil could have possible come with.


Active Member
did you get this soil from outside? i have the same little plants in my pots and you can tell the difference from that type of weed to actual weed.


The soil is straight from the generic bag. If y'all are sure they aren't the right kind of plant, guess it's time to start over.
Would you guys maybe suggest baking the soil?


Active Member
good question. the only reason i would bake the soil is to eliminate any critters if the soil was from outside. if it were to come in a soil bag from a store then you will probably be ok. when you start over germinate your seeds if you haven't already done so, this will make the process a lot easier. also make sure to bury the seeds about 1/4" down for best results!


Well-Known Member
How could you possibly not know what kind of plants you have? I would think that you would've planted seeds first, then waited for them to sprout? Those don't look like MJ plants, and I'm confused as to how that could happen. Where did you get the seeds? Did the sprouts come up where you planted them? Strange.LOL


Yes, that's the issue, the plants are growing RIGHT where I planted the seeds. I know the seeds are MJ, because it's the shit I've been smoking for the last couple weeks.
It's puzzling indeed.
Bought the soil from the local gardening center, but it's manufactured bagged soil. I soaked the seeds rather than germinating them because that's the way I was taught by my family to grow 'em.


Active Member
haha good call! however those other types of weed will take out the nutrients of your current soil. the best thing to do would be to get a new batch of everything!


Well-Known Member
Wheres the dirt??
Those are weeds - they come in bagged soil quite frequently. How long have you been waiting? If you soaked the seed and popped it in the soil without germing first, it can take 4-7 days to sprout. Here's what you're looking for: this seedling is 24 hours old. Also - you only want one seedling per container, so if they sprout, you'll have to transplant one right away.