Seedlings arnt looking healthy little help?


Hey im a Noob grower and this is my first post on here hope someone can help ive looked at all the stickies but cant resolve my problem.
I have four seedlings growing (all bag seeds) in my grow box i built, very cheap and inexpensive one. temp stays around 78. one fan blows air in the other out. recently my girls have started to lose their green color and becoming yellow. on one the first leaves have dried out.
I am growing in miracle grow in cowpots was planning to switch pots once plants grew a lil more dont tend to grow all 4 in the same grow box at once not enough room. planned to clone over and over and over. i have been using water from my filter bottle i have in my fridge i let it get to room temp before watering. i usually water once the dirt looks dry. i feel i might be overwatering but am unsure its only been about a week and a half, two at the most and i dont want to fail, so any help will be awesome.



Well-Known Member
miracle grow is too hot for seedlings, curling under and yellowing can be a sign of over-fertilization.
I use a 75% coco-fiber and 25% perlite transplant when they are a 10-12" tall, they will have an established root system by then.
organic mixes are only a bit more than miracle grow...


damn i thought that the miracle grow might have been the problem read a bunch on it just wasnt sure i bought the "buds for less" book and was just trying to follow their instructions as best as my budget would allow. so you recoomend transplanting the seedlings to a new soil?


Well-Known Member
Miricle grow sucks because it has nutes already in it and they are not balanced right for MJ. When it is time to transplant look into making some better soil. Feed them with plain water only as needed not everyday.


I dO water everyday guess i should stop that i just get a lil nervous and think they're thirsty, i wont water for a lil let the dirt dry out. still confused if i should leave em in that soil though.


Well-Known Member
Not much you can do about that, if you try to transplant now you will prob kill them. Your soil might be fine, you might be overwatering then. Only water as needed!