Seedlings and rapid start


Active Member
So I'm curious. I have 4 seedlings about 2 days old and was wondering if I could add rapid start to boost root growth. They are in fox farm ocean forest soil, so the seedlings have nutrients. If rapid start is safe for seedlings, would it be overkill by adding rapid start to seedlings already rooting in soil with nutes? I don't wanna burn or possibly kill my girls.


Active Member
Hold off on that for a while - The soil it's in will feed it fine for weeks.
Very well. This is my first grow so I'm just full of questions lol. Thank you though. How about once it hits veg? I plan on using the Fox farm trio so would it be OK to add the rapid start into the schedule? Like maybe every time I feed with the trio add the rapid start. Or would I use those two separately and spaced out?


Active Member
Yeah if you have pre-nuted soil leave it alone for a few weeks. Any kind of nutes at this point would be an overkill I know its hard starting from seed as it feels like its growing so slow. But don't worry seed plants really take off and will out grow their clone counterparts more times then not. When you do start to feed nutes be very careful in soil applications as its super easy to burn. Just start out slow and let the girls do the talking.
Have a good one.