Seedlings and light question


Well-Known Member
After I sprout my seeds I'm a little hesitant to put them outside just yet. I don't have access to CFL's and really don't want to invest in some unless theres no other way, money's tight. Anyhow, I've got a window in my house that gets EXCELLENT sunlight. Its towards the south sky and it's one of those massive windows that probably gets 5+ hours of direct sunlight. I've got a bunch of random flowers/plants on it (NOT marijuana however) and they all love it. Anyhow, will this sort of thing be good for seedlings for a couple weeks until I plant it in the great outdoors?


Active Member
it could work, i've never tryed it but i have heard of people growing small plants on a window sill, i wouldn't exspect alot of growth until you put them outside. but something you could do is but a small floresent light with cool or warm bulbs they are inexspensive and they work well for vegitation


Active Member
You have two options. I would suggest putting them in the window right now. If it is a southfacing window and you already have plants thriving there, then it's perfect. I would transplant into 4-6 in pots with organic potting soil and put them in the window, they will grow much faster in the window than under lights. The other option it flourescents. Just use a couple of shoplights with 40watt bulbs, depending on how many plants you have, and hang the lights about 1-2 inches from the canopy. They won't get hot enough to burn. Run this on an 18-6 cycle and they will grow under here. Also, make sure you don't overwater those babies. Wait for the top layer of soil to dry between watering.
I would suggest the window, though, because this will yield better results and you can acclimate those babies to sunlight for the outdoor transplant. Also try to open the windo for a couple of hours a day, or get a fan blowing at them to strengthen the stems. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I was hoping the window would be sufficient as its much less of a hassle than getting CFL's and setting up a temp veg room. Thanks for the help! :D