Seedlings 1 Week Old


Well-Known Member

these are about one week old nirvana wonder woman dwc under a 400 watt mh for veg and hps for flower and the 2 ones in pots are just extra...(didnt think that all were going to germ, so going to grow em out a little and let a friend take em from there)....using advanced nutes grow micro bloom big bid and bud candy. they seem alright kind of skinny but i have had a fan on them so they should thicken up


Well-Known Member
oh and res is 45 gal and i have 2 air pumps with 6 air hoses and got my water temp around 67 just cuz my house stays at 65 daytime n goes to 62-63 night ha.
I killed my last babies with nutrients when they were the same size as yours. Give them more time before you nute them....

And when you do give them nutes, make it mild, get them on it slowly


Well-Known Member
018.jpg017.jpg016.jpgok 015.jpg10 days after seed.....(one plant has yellow leaves idk y)

ok so i have a little problem it seems my hydro is growing slower than my 2 soil plants...that are in MG with nutes already in the soil. Im using a dwc setup with an 8 outlet hydrofarm air pump and my res stays around 71 farenheight i though it was like 65 but i just bought a thermometer and its staying at 71 PH STAYS CONSTANTLY AT 5.6-5.9..... I use AN Grow Micro Bloom...heres my schedule that im using the guy at HTG SUPPLY provided me...

Grow....3 ml/gallon
Micro....3 ml/gallon
Bloom... .7 ml/gal

so i have a 45 gallon resovoir so if i followed this i would be using 135 ml of grow and micro in the res andl like 40 ml of bloom. i assumed this was way too much?
So i have in the res as of now 15 ml of GROW AND MICRO....and about 5 ml of BLOOM....idk if this is enough they havent seemed to react to it yet 24 hours later....
I REALLY WANNA UNDERSTAND WHY MY HYDRO IS GROWING SLOWER THAN THE ONES IN SOIL????????????? COULD IT BE THE SOIL ALREADY HAS NUTES AND THE HYDRO DOESNT....AND IM NOT ADDING ENOUGH NUTES? I HAVE NETPOTS 1-2 ABOVE BUBBLING WATER LEVEL....PLZ CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME INTEL OR MAYBE EVEN A GUESS AS TO WHY IT AINT GROWING AS FAST AS SOIL? please let me know and thanks so much ahead of time....oh and like i said ph is good and i use tap water but let it sit for 24 hours to let chlorine evaporate...let me know if you know anything i know its alot of info to take in ive just had a bunch of shit to ask and show you guys and i know someone on here will be able to explain maybe why im having these issues of hydro growing slow n such....