seedling yellowing.PICS


Well-Known Member
these are some chronic and original misty,the temp and humidity is ok and the soil couse i use it for all my other plants but its a little weak almost no nutes,they are 2 weeks old maybe alittle more i give em pure distiled water,the growth is slow and he leaves are pale and the lower ones are starting to yellow,to me it looks like they are hungry i just wanted to check on that somebody,any advice should i start giving them some nutes


Active Member
Looks like it could use a bit of nitrogen.. I'd start off with a very low dose since they're so young, 1/4 strength or possibly less depending on what you're gonna use.


Active Member
my plants having the same problem is there any way to get nitrogen wiht out buying a supe rhigh priced nitrgon supplement?


Active Member
This is cheap and works great for veg:

If you can find it in stores, it's usually $10 for 2 lbs.

A little bit goes a long way. Use 1/4 to 1/2 tsp at a time. Crush it up, drop it in scalding hot water, stir and let cool down before pouring. When leaves start looking deep green, back off and let it grow out some more light green leaves. Then apply in small amounts again.

They also have a very good flower food: