Seedling won’t grow

Quit the ph stuff and ro water - only thing your doing you shouldnt. Pop another seed and call me in a week and lets see wtf without ro and ph'ing stuff.

Dismiss everuthing you ever read on autos and join us :-)

The medium I am using has an EC of 1.0. Is this considered too hot for auto seedlings? Will this medium burn it? I'm watering with RO water, because I know it has 0 EC, so it won't combine with the EC of the soil to make it even hotter. I also pH adjust the water to 6-6.5
back to basics until you get the hang of your black thumb. use tap water, let it sit out for a few hours before you water. stop worrying about ph/ec. don't water if the soil is damp.
Quit the ph stuff and ro water - only thing your doing you shouldnt. Pop another seed and call me in a week and lets see wtf without ro and ph'ing stuff.

Dismiss everuthing you ever read on autos and join us :-)
My head is so full of so many perspectives and opinions on growing that It makes me confused af. I think it will soon blow. Dunno what to believe anymore, that's why I'm asking for guidance.

The reason I am using RO pH water is because I am growing in soilless medium (peat moss with some coco fiber and perlite).
As far as I red and people told me, when you grow in soilless medium you have to pH and EC adjust the water, because it is inert, it has no microlife (bacteria) in it to act as a buffer and ballance pH, it's basically hydroponically. Also, the reason I am using RO water is because I know it has an EC = 0. My medium has an EC = 1, which I was also been told that it's a bit too hot for auto seedlings, so using tap water that has a high EC would combine with the EC of my soil and burn my seedling.

You see? Everyone thinks they know their shit, and for me, a new grower, it's hard to make the difference between what works and what's bullshit.
And not likely your gona understand this stuff either - soil seed tap water done.

I get there is a lot of info.opinion or what not but your a fool to.not start with the basics and here they are :-)

My head is so full of so many perspectives and opinions on growing that It makes me confused af. I think it will soon blow. Dunno what to believe anymore, that's why I'm asking for guidance.

The reason I am using RO pH water is because I am growing in soilless medium (peat moss with some coco fiber and perlite).
As far as I red and people told me, when you grow in soilless medium you have to pH and EC adjust the water, because it is inert, it has no microlife (bacteria) in it to act as a buffer and ballance pH, it's basically hydroponically. Also, the reason I am using RO water is because I know it has an EC = 0. My medium has an EC = 1, which I was also been told that it's a bit too hot for auto seedlings, so using tap water that has a high EC would combine with the EC of my soil and burn my seedling.

You see? Everyone thinks they know their shit, and for me, a new grower, it's hard to make the difference between what works and what's bullshit.
I use westlands potting soil or verve, both pretty.popular here in the uk. from amazon or internet. Canna terra plus im sure works but im.not keen on it really.

Thats my thinking, some may suggest pots like peat pots or rapid rooters but they require some work and learning that id go straight to soil.

Years of growing and i just go for a basic potting soil indoors, tried the rest this is the simplest :-)

Dunno how else should I grow. This peat-moss medium I am using is selling in shops here where I live and they told me that It's made for growing. I'm trying to work with what I can get my hands on.
Dunno how else should I grow. This peat-moss medium I am using is selling in shops here where I live and they told me that It's made for growing. I'm trying to work with what I can get my hands on.
I use that ph to 5.8 for veg 6.2 for flower, fine for seedlings, feeds plants for about 50 days water only with calmag here and their, great medium.
Shops will tell you anything so you buy their shit ......

Start simple ... keep shit simple . Most nurseries or certain large hardware chains carry good bagged soil.
ALREADY ammended for plug and play growing such as autos. Many overthink autos , they are by far the simplest to grow ,
plant , water , grow all usually within 90 days or so .

It’s shorter veg cycle LIMITS what extra can be done and is easier to let the bagged soil do all the work.
By the time most good bagged soil starts to exhaust a bit .... you just top dress more soil and water in .

THAT’S PRETTY MUCH IT. I grow more autos than I care to mention. Tap water and all.
Good bagged soil are prebuffered in ph ( 6.3 - 6.5 ) .... my tap runs at 7.0 and i just use.

But as long as you are sure PH of water or feed ( if you decide ) is at or near 6.5 going in ...... then you are golden.

You can top most autos and train them too.
Buddy, I think you are taking things a bit too personal. I never said I know better, in fact, I admited being a complet newbie. I started to grow 4-5 months ago and since then I never managed to grow something from seed to harvest, my personal best is week 4 of veg, that's how stupid I am when it comes to growing, and I study medicine. I learn a shit load of human body science, but I can't grow a plant, I'm actually embarrassed with myself. I'm here to learn and I am opened to any new perspective and information about growing, I only said what I also heard from others, never said it's the gold standard or that it's the best way. If you want to share your growing experience with me, fine, I appreciate it, if not, it's also fine, but no need to be a drama queen. Sorry if my attitude bothered you!

Thanks for your time! Best regards!

Stick your seed in damp soil. Water it in with a spray bottle. Keep it damp but not soaking. Wait for it to sprout. When it does let it grow. It really is that simple. All the other "special" things are just nonsense. It's a plant. Grow it.
If your worried about transplanting causeing issues get some grow bags. You can get them as small as a solo cup and just bury the bag in the next one as needed. I do it all the time with mine. I like the bags and never had an issue with them.
The smallest ones are cheap and just get tossed in the trash when done and I clean the bigger bags for the next time.
I mist my soil once a day when starting and then I like to just give water by the bottom once started to encourage to roots to dig through the bag
I use that ph to 5.8 for veg 6.2 for flower, fine for seedlings, feeds plants for about 50 days water only with calmag here and their, great medium.
Thanks for your feedback! Are you sure I don't need to feed for the first 50 days? On the label it says it has NPK fertilizer for the first week only.
Stick your seed in damp soil. Water it in with a spray bottle. Keep it damp but not soaking. Wait for it to sprout. When it does let it grow. It really is that simple. All the other "special" things are just nonsense. It's a plant. Grow it.
Thank you very much for your understanding and possitive feedback! I really need it!