seedling white spots/brown edges


Active Member
so im in seedling stage
CLoset grow
400 watt MH , 3 feet away
1 month old plants
temp 30 degrees - 86 F
humidity 30-35%
had some algae problems cuz my hose is transparent i covered it .will be using h2o2 tommorow to clean it up...thing is ....I use Dutch master GOLD and on their site it says its not recommended to use h2o2 with these products...if some1 could tell me wot to do about this h2o2 problem would be really helpful
pumps run 24h/day light cycle 18h/day

thing is old leaves get like some sort of a nute burn it starts from the tips and keeps on going till the entire leaf is dead .brown color
on some of the tips i just noticed it has white spots...not spidermites these white spots r bigger
i gave some nutes.....nute burned them ,flushed , now im just giving a little bit @ like 300 ppm ( tap water nutes included )
it aint from the nute burn cuz that happened 2 weeks ago

i was thinking to be more from the heat humidity but the thing is that it starts like a nute burn/deficiency , it starts exactly from the tip of the leaf....even the white spot is at the edge of the leaf and the new leafs that are growing dont have nothing only the biggets ones get affected

will be getting tommorow a cool tube and h2o2

i use wet towels to increase humidity

i keep the thermometer exactly next to the plants on the it good like that?


Active Member
no ph problems i check it every day
btw i got 2 water pumps one that gets the water from my hydro system to my 2nd rez and the other pump from the 2nd rez to the hydro system