Seedling turning yellow then brown at tips from bottom up


New Member
Hello everyone, first post here. First time growing also. It's a NL about 3 weeks old from seed, planted in seed starter soil and 35% perlite in a 2l airpot. I haven't fed it any nutes yet. PROBLEM: for the past week and a half it's been turning yellow

then brown from the tip of the leaves starting at the bottom working its way up. I thought i might been overwatering so i cut back on it and let it dry up between waterings but that didnt seem to help. could it be some kind of deficiency or

lockout? my ph is a little low. like 5.8-6. Its seams to be growing allright tho, the new growth comes in green and healthy but the older leaves die in the same rate :cry: Any help will be appreciated, thank you!:joint::hump:
[h=1][/h]Envirement: small cabinet, well vented with a oscillating fan blowing on the plant. Temps range from 20-25 degrees. My lights are 2x 55w t5 about 2-3 inces from the plant. I have a ultrasonic fogger in there aswell wich keeps the rh at around 55%

photo (1).jpg


That's a tricky one buddy. Looks like maybe nitrogen deficiency but your right about that new growth, maybe you were overwatering and now you've corrected the problem and the new growth wil be ok. Conditions sound great, maybe a bit on the humid side. Hope somebody recognizes it and can help more.


New Member
Iv'e kept the watering down for over a week and its still going brown so i dont think thats the problem but im not sure. I will check out nitrogen deficiency, thank you


Well-Known Member
You need to feed veg nutes much earlier. Use hydro veg nutes every watering and you wont have this issue, 1/2 str first then full.



Well-Known Member
It does look like it has been over watered a little but not too much and it also looks like nute burn to me but idk


New Member
I didn't think they would need any nutes for the first 3 weeks or so. hydro nutes in soil? I do have gold label nutes for soil, ill try feeding them a little next watering


Well-Known Member
I didn't think they would need any nutes for the first 3 weeks or so. hydro nutes in soil? I do have gold label nutes for soil, ill try feeding them a little next watering
Apparently hydro nutes do good in soil but idk as I have never tried them before.


Well-Known Member
oh allright, is there any benefits over soil nutes ?
No idea as I have never tried them as previously mentioned but if you look it up then you should find something but I'm guessing it has something to do with the nutrients being absorbed more quicker as it is liquid based??? Maybe (I'm guessing but your going to have to look it up to be sure)


New Member
okey. thats sound resonable. Btw as far as nutrient and seedling, I've read many grow reports where peaple usually wait 2-3 sometimes even 4 weeks before feeding. my plant starterd showing these symtoms after 1,5 week, seams a little early to feed after 10 days


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I usually start feeding nutes at 3-4 weeks old; I usually take a look at my plants to see how they are growing and start feeding them nutes when I think they need them which is usually around 3-4 weeks as said before.

I won't be able to reply to anything else now as I'm off to bed... It is 02:11AM in the UK :(


New Member
That sounds good. I have a hard time reading my plant tho. Noob first time grower, but you live you learn right. I should problaby hit the sack too, lets hope for some more opinions in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I am not expert, but my guess would be lack of nitrogen.
The plant is 3 weeks old, and in seed starter soil, with 35% perlite mixed in.
The seed starter soil is very light on nutritional value, and perlite has none.
At 3 weeks, you plant has some good leaf growth, and is needing more food.
All other conditions you describe sound solid, so that would be my guess.
Good Luck.