Seedling Troubles :( (pics)


Well-Known Member
Here's two pics, they are both DP Fem Blueberry... both planted and sprouted on the exact same day... germinated and grown about a week in peat moss and then transplanted to 1 part perlite 2 parts Ocean Forest... you can see one is doing well, very well, and the other, well, not so well (sorry for all the "well"s stoners)... last check of the runoff showed the soil was about pH 6.9... Any ideas what's happening to my little kid? Just going so slow...




Well-Known Member
could just be bad genetics in that seed. I recently bought some fem church seeds that came from a bad batch, only two of five sprouted and I have the same thing as you do one really doing good and one that is ok but maybe 1/4 size of the really healthy one.


Well-Known Member
could just be bad genetics in that seed. I recently bought some fem church seeds that came from a bad batch, only two of five sprouted and I have the same thing as you do one really doing good and one that is ok but maybe 1/4 size of the really healthy one.
Was the outcome on the goofy one, good?


Well-Known Member
could just be bad genetics in that seed. I recently bought some fem church seeds that came from a bad batch, only two of five sprouted and I have the same thing as you do one really doing good and one that is ok but maybe 1/4 size of the really healthy one.
Thats a good answer.


Well-Known Member
your fine.....some plants take longer to grow than experience has shown me that most of the time the late bloomers end up being the biggest and best of the long as your paying attention to your plants needs (which it seems like you are) you will be fine......