Seedling Transplant Hack


Well-Known Member
Figured I would pass along my easy hack for transplanting seedlings. These are typically delicate at this stage, so it's best to be gently. I've done some damage due to fat finger syndrome before coming up with this.

When transplanting, fill your container to whatever depth you want the incoming plant to rest at, put your plant in, and cover it with a solo cup.


Now you can go about filling the rest of the pot with soil and don't have to be careful to work around the plant. Just dump it on in.


Go around to compact around the outside to your desired amount and then slowly lift up the solo cup. Fill in area under the plant and your good to go.
I've done that, but found I still need to add more soil or I don't get the depth right, it as I'm pulling the empty container from the hole to drop the plant in, the sides cave into the holes, etc.

This way, you just set your depth, cover your plant, and dump in soil until you get your level. Both methods work just fine, but figured I would share mine.
I literally just fill the new pot with soil about half or more...put the cup in...fill around it to make the perfect impression. Cut the cup and slide out and right in. A real hack is if you use fabric pots, put it over a paint can and roll down, no sticking and straight out.