Seedling Tips Dying


Hey people, thanks in advance for any advice, this is my first 'grow' I
have an okay amount of exp gardening.

uhaul grand wardrobe box, active intake &out, ambient 78-72 when I'm home
to keep the AC on, which keeps box temps 88-82, lights on, and down to
mid to low 70's when off. RH 45-35%. 2x 26w 6500k CFL 2 inches away. Live
in major city with insanely clean tap, just kind of chlorineish, so i let
it sit out for a 24+ hrs, PH is usually 7, so i bring it down a touch.

started seeds in hydrofarm jumpstart pellet which the dude said was made
from inert compressed paper. this is the only one that survived. I swear
I could see the yellow tips from the get-go but I ignored it:

FIRST photo is a couple days from sprout, first leaves showing lightening of
color at tips, almost yellow. overwatered, oops.

SECOND photo, 1 week later and its only gotten worse. I kept
strict on watering just the 'soil' only when it became dry and light. seems to
be growing vigorously. Tips have curled UP and burned, leaves yellowing.

THIRD Photo is 1 day after second. just for side view.
As per a friends suggestion that shes hungry I watered with only
a few spoonfuls of water with 1/4 strength (1/4 strength of recommended “rooted cutting” levels of 1/4tsp, so 1/16th tsp) of maxigrow. no improvement noticed.

A day or two later suspecting the little jumpstart paper mush isn't helping, and even though the roots had not grown through it, I pop the whole thing into a small small pot of Roots Organics Coco (the brown with with like kelp and bat guano etc, NOT the one with a dozen other org. nutes in it)

Four days later and the bottom leaves are continuing to curl and die, and
now the next of leaves up are starting to yellow at the tips as well.

Whatever this is, I think it has been here since the beginning and is only getting worse, HELP!


Well-Known Member
You get that with some seedlings. It is a numbers game to get good seedlings.

A part from over watering and feeding them period which would have sent it into a head spin, the repotting at such a young age into what looks like adult potting mix will have damaged the root ball, all those little fine hairs etc.

What seedlings need is moist seedling mix potting mix and regularity without disturbing their root systems, light cycle or trying to feed them. Once they get out of the danger period you can start on all them hormone additives growers so enjoy spending their money on, but while in the infant phase they don't need anything, all the stuff they need is water, 18 hours of light and 6 hours of complete darkness.

What infant seedlings do not need is shock. So far it looks like this one has received at least 3 major shocks, over watering, feeding it nutrient of any strength and then repotting it into some serious potting mix with slow release fertilizer in it.

What it needs is time for the roots to spread out. If it is able to do that in the next week or so it will grow, otherwise it will probably just stay small.


Thanks for your help Jonus!
I've read 100 times here about people overdoing it with their plants and I swore I wouldn't be one of those people! Hahah.

Either way, I awoke this morning and she(I hope) is looking better than ever with new growth.
I guess Ill just say fuck-it to those old yellowing ones. I know I need some good beans, this mixed bag of bagseed ive been dealing with has been a total crap shoot.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Jonus just gave you very good advice, imho.
Most new growers kill their plants from just loving them to death. Treat them more like a Booty call.