Seedling suffering in early growth


Active Member
Rollers, I have a problem with this seedling.

It's 10 days old and growing under 50w CFL in BioBizz Light Mix soil receiving nothing but PHed water every 3-4 days with a constant temperature under 28 degrees Celsius.

As of yesterday its leaf tips started drying and new growths seams to have a yellow-ish colour.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom.


Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
my guess is that you are overwatering it. It doesn't have a very big root system so there is no need to water so much.


Active Member
I've watered in moderation on average every four days, until seeing just a little runoff from the two gallon pot. If that's too much which should I reduce, frequency or quantity?


Well-Known Member
The soil is still probably too wet, I'd usually have a plant that size in a beer cup. If you were watering a 2 gallon pot to runoff with a plant that size it's definetely too much water, plus the plant is stunted now and not going to be taking up much more water. Just leave it alone until it dries out. With 50w not much will be happening quickly.


New Member
that used to happen indoors with me for almost every seedling I started...the problem is you're watering it way too much, diluting and removing whatever nutrients there are in the soil, and your plant can't use any...don't space out your waterings, 4 days is fine, but seriously, a plant that tiny? Normally I'd have it in a party cup and literally give it a pepsi bottle capful of water every 2 days. Lol cut down on your watering, a lot. More than a half liter of water is not necessary. And when you water that much, your humidity will go up a lot, because most of the water is evaporating out of the soil instead of being used by the plant...


Active Member
Growers, thanks for the feedback.

Plant is stunted and in a worse state than the last picture.

Would you advice for more frequent smaller waterings as opposed to less frequent larger ones?

Reason it was not kept longer in a party cup is because it's an auto and autos apparently don't like transplants.


Well-Known Member
Try starting in a mix of Fox Farm Light Warrior, 70/30 with whatever medium you use. Ive had a few seedlings do this in the past, sometimes theres nothing you can do. Whenever I used a thick soil the drainage was to poor. I say transplant that thing into newer soil with better drainage trying to rid yourself of as much of that bad damp stuff as possible, could have bad things growing in it because its so wet. Also hot soils will make a seedling grow wierd for first few weeks sometimes, they really dont need many nutes til week 4ish. Goodluck!!


Well-Known Member
Definite nitro burn. Back off the lights and only water when almost dry, no nutes for at least 2 weeks.


Active Member
Jim, I fed them no nutes and use a light soil (BioBizz Light Mix).

What do you mean by backing off the lights? I use a total of 50w coming from CFLs.


Well-Known Member
That soil looks as wet if not wetter than the photo from the 19th and you're still asking if its overwatered???

i would put that plant outside in a sunny and windy area for a couple days to let it dry may be too late but you can still try...move it indoors to maintain your light schedule...over care is worse than under care at this age of a plant...


Active Member
Roller, I'm seeing really poor recovery of stunted auto flowers. If I mess up something early on I can't seam to be able to get them back on track.

Can you give here any tips? Letting the soil dry and lightly watering doesn't seam to do the trick. Maybe using a light nutes solution? Anything else?

Much appreciated.