Seedling struggling - Too much or Too Little water?


Well-Known Member
Hi, folks. I'm hoping some of you can share some advice with me. I recently started my first grow: 2 Mephisto autos. (3 Bears OG & Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper) I planted on 2/9 and now have two seedlings.

Germinated in soil. Using Espoma organic potting mix w/20% organic perilite mixed in. They're side by side on a heat mat. Average temp in there has been 78.1 degrees F and average RH is right at 60%. I have my QB about 30" above them dimmed to its lowest setting. Running it on a 20/4 cycle. I also have a small oscillating fan keeping air moving.

One of them - the slower to germinate - looks good. Nice and green. Has come a long way in the last 24 hours.

The other (taller) one sprouted first. Overnight last night, its stem stretched over an inch. Those leaves have been curled downward pretty much the whole time though, and the color looks a little pale. Each is in its own solo cup which I watered before germination. Since then, I have only spritzed the surface a couple times with a spray bottle. When I do the knuckle test, this one's soil does feel pretty dry, but when I compare the weight with another solo cup filled with medium, it's about double the weight. It's not bone dry, but I don't want to over water. What do you think?

Thanks in advance for any insights.


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Looks more like to much water. Don't bother spray watering, you never get the proper soil penetration. Wait until they are completely dry then give roughly 250ml or until slight run-off. Allowing media to completely dry will allow roots to search for water and establish a good root system as well as prevent root rot and allow oxygen to reach them.
Also fill the cup with more soil next time.

Thanks. I'll leave it alone for now. I misted this morning thinking surely she was thirsty, but I guess that's the pitfall many fall into when over watering.

Good point on soil level. I could trim the edge of the cup down a bit.
If it feels heavy at all, it has enough water.

I weigh my containers on a kitchen scale before I water. Been doing so for about 6 years.
Heat mat just for germ and sprout olegren, unless seedlings are in a cold environment. Sorry I didn't mention in previous post.
If it feels heavy at all, it has enough water.

I weigh my containers on a kitchen scale before I water. Been doing so for about 6 years.

Thanks for weighing in, hillbill. :D Do you wait for identical weight? I actually measured mine the same way, comparing each to a sample cup filled with dry medium. They were roughly double its weight. (120g -> 230g)

Heat mat just for germ and sprout olegren, unless seedlings are in a cold environment. Sorry I didn't mention in previous post.

Got it. I will shut it off. Tent is in a cool basement, but ambient temps inside seem to be fine. A separate thermo on the floor (Sitting on insulation) is reading 79.8 at the moment. Thanks!
She's perked right up this morning. Thank you all for the guidance!


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Hi, folks. I'm hoping some of you can share some advice with me. I recently started my first grow: 2 Mephisto autos. (3 Bears OG & Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper) I planted on 2/9 and now have two seedlings.

Germinated in soil. Using Espoma organic potting mix w/20% organic perilite mixed in. They're side by side on a heat mat. Average temp in there has been 78.1 degrees F and average RH is right at 60%. I have my QB about 30" above them dimmed to its lowest setting. Running it on a 20/4 cycle. I also have a small oscillating fan keeping air moving.

One of them - the slower to germinate - looks good. Nice and green. Has come a long way in the last 24 hours.

The other (taller) one sprouted first. Overnight last night, its stem stretched over an inch. Those leaves have been curled downward pretty much the whole time though, and the color looks a little pale. Each is in its own solo cup which I watered before germination. Since then, I have only spritzed the surface a couple times with a spray bottle. When I do the knuckle test, this one's soil does feel pretty dry, but when I compare the weight with another solo cup filled with medium, it's about double the weight. It's not bone dry, but I don't want to over water. What do you think?

Thanks in advance for any insights.
it could be too much water,i can see your medium is soaking wet,at this stage of growth water could be your enemy,check the weight of the cups if there to heavy its the water,got to keep a close watch on your babies,good luck
Looks more like to much water. Don't bother spray watering, you never get the proper soil penetration. Wait until they are completely dry then give roughly 250ml or until slight run-off. Allowing media to completely dry will allow roots to search for water and establish a good root system as well as prevent root rot and allow oxygen to reach them.
good call there bro
The plant looks overwatered. Why didn’t you fill the red cups to the top with soil? The stretch stem may be from the lights being to high up. Bring them closer and see how they respond. Check out my time lapse video of my seedlings. I’m also a first time grower and using soil.

The plant looks overwatered. Why didn’t you fill the red cups to the top with soil? The stretch stem may be from the lights being to high up. Bring them closer and see how they respond. Check out my time lapse video of my seedlings. I’m also a first time grower and using soil.

Thank you for repeating what I have already said lol.
Thanks for the insights. I have been dropping the lights a couple inches each day, but no brightening yet. I was under the impression upping the intensity too soon could cause problems. Am I mistaken? One of the two does appear to be stretching, but the other is staying pretty low.

Also, I lopped off the extra cup edges so that everything’s closer to the top. Next time I will fill the cup up more. I am hoping to transfer these two next weekend, but will let their growth rate determine the timing.
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The plant looks overwatered. Why didn’t you fill the red cups to the top with soil? The stretch stem may be from the lights being to high up. Bring them closer and see how they respond. Check out my time lapse video of my seedlings. I’m also a first time grower and using soil.

How many times are you going to post that video trying to get subscribers for your youtube channel? It's like you joined this site just to try and promote some youtube channel you think will make you money or get you sponsors and free stuff. I for one haven't and won't be clicking on your youtube link. It's becoming spam at this point.
How many times are you going to post that video trying to get subscribers for your youtube channel? It's like you joined this site just to try and promote some youtube channel you think will make you money or get you sponsors and free stuff. I for one haven't and won't be clicking on your youtube link. It's becoming spam at this point.

I will share MY video as much as I want that’s why they have a share button IDIOT! If you don’t watch it who cares because I don’t. I could care less to monetize off YouTube and get free stuff when I can buy my own. I don’t have to explain myself to you!!
I will share MY video as much as I want that’s why they have a share button IDIOT! If you don’t watch it who cares because I don’t. I could care less to monetize off YouTube and get free stuff when I can buy my own. I don’t have to explain myself to you!!

Who the hell do you think your fooling? You're definitely trying to create the "Brand" IGROW420. Good luck with that. Too funny.

Oh, by the way. Check out this section of this forum.

I will share MY video as much as I want that’s why they have a share button IDIOT! If you don’t watch it who cares because I don’t. I could care less to monetize off YouTube and get free stuff when I can buy my own. I don’t have to explain myself to you!!
You need to relax