Seedling stem bending issue


Hi every one, first time poster and new to growing done few grows before but never had this issue.

I planted 6 autos bought online from seed city. a week later to the sporting twe of them "Low Girl auto" & "super skunk" bend over lying on the soil, the spot of the torsion is darker than the rest of the stem, i tried to support the steam but didn't help them to grow larger , another tow "2 regular blue Himalaya" happens to had the same issue i have tow left " one blue Himalaya Fem & one Regular" didn't bend but the don't grow larger than 1st to leaves " not even the 1st true set of leaves"


i water with tap water same room temp
i mist them with garden sprayer "note : i have used the sprayer before to spray Dettol antiseptic , but after i cleaned it with hot water many times i still smell the Dettol odor in the sprayer" i feel it's suspicious !:wall:

After 4 autos went out i planted one jack herrer and four bag seeds and same thing happened again:wall:

some other details:

Water ppm "hanna" 20
Water ph 8.5

2x 105w cfl's " ---- adjusted to only one 1.5 w
Light Temp 6400k
light cycle 20/4

soil mix = 10% perlite 90% coco peat ------ then adjusted to 50/50"
Soil PPM "Hanna" = 450
Soil ph 7

Temp Humidity
Room Temp min 20C max 24C
Room Humidity min 40% max90%
using a face facial machine that blows hot humid air to the bottom of the grow room every 15 min

a small USB blowing fan attached..



Active Member
Looks like you stretched'em how far was the light from them you want the cfl's close like 1" or 2" with a fan blowing in between them for one week then you can go to a 400 watter~


Well-Known Member
Seedling stretching is fairly common. Many guys will build up soil around the stem so only the leaves and a tiny bit of stem is above ground. Too much humidity, too little humidity or other stresses can weaken the plant. I see you have a fan which is good and can strengthen the seedlings. One reason some are not growing fast is: Small plant in large pot. That's a slow growing combo because the seedling is busy growing roots rather then stems and leaves.

If some actually have 'damping off", and it sounds like they do...that's a fungus type infection on the stem. To prevent that, I will use either rootone powder or powdered sulfur as anti-fungal (also cinnamon will work too). Just sprinkle a little around base of stem. Well that's all I
Good luck,


thanks Jhon i was thinking to use b+ or such a supplement but i will try your method with the next grow since they all "damping off" now.

this morning the jack herre dumped too . i duno whats going on. well where the inaction come from i have every thing cleaned up maybe from soil ?


Well-Known Member
I doubt that it has anything to do with cleanliness or soil. Spores and germs tend to be everywhere. More to do with the plants vigor and it's ability to ward off infection. What DannyBlaze2 said though is correct. Having the light too far away can cause increased stretch which, of course, weakens the stem. I use a T5HO right on top of the seedling and that really promotes short healthy seedlings...and as plant continues to grow, it keeps the nodes very tight too.
Good luck,


Well-Known Member
The seedlings are dying due to you overwatering, overspraying and relentless humidity, the stem base is rotting causing collapse . Start them in a jiffy pot use more fans and when they do grow properly don't wait to long to feed in coco, drop the ph also.