Seedling Root Exposed And Partially Dried


I have a seed which I germinated, tap root cam out and I planted it in a Jiffy Pot. The next day the root came out of the soil and curved back into it, leaving a little part of the root exposed to air (and light). During the night, the bit of the root that has been exposed began drying out. Ive inspected the seedling and saw that the rest of the tap root which was covered in soil looks moist and healthy. I covered the exposed bit with soil, and i keep soaking it every time the soil appears to be drying. My question is, does this seedling have a chance, or is it a goner due to the root exposure and its beginning to dry out? can rehydration of the root occur, or will the healthy bit of the tap root generate a new extension? this is a diagram that illustrates what hapend exactly:


Well-Known Member
Careful not to over water. Misting with a spray bottle would be smart. It's normal for them to pop out of the soil only to do a u-turn. The root should keep going down and spreading out, while the dryer part and the other end will pop back out and form the stem.


Careful not to over water. Misting with a spray bottle would be smart. It's normal for them to pop out of the soil only to do a u-turn. The root should keep going down and spreading out, while the dryer part and the other end will pop back out and form the stem.
I know this is normal for the root to come out just to go back in, but i have never encountered a situation where the bit of the root that emerged from the soil got dried out - and that is my concern - that it might not continue to dig back into the ground.


Well-Known Member you really plant the seeds pointy end up? never heard of such a thing in my life pointy end down. tap root problem solved.


New Member
Planting too shallow is usually the cause. Plant your beans at least 3/8" and let them germinate and sprout right in the medium, no longer an issue......