Seedling Problems


I have 10 seeds that I am germinating/are seedlings. I am still waiting for one to show (I don't know if it is going to) but the other 9 are starting to grow, but havnt made any progress in about three days. Some of been stuck at the soil line for over 2 days, and refuse to open up and grab some light.

Also a couple of them that are not growing it appears the stem is tangled up underneath the soil instead of going straight up through the soil.

Any help would be really appreciated. Hopefully I can find a camera and add some pictures to this.

I have them in solo cups, using FFOF soil, in a 4x4 tent with a 1000w MH about 24 inches from them.


Here you can see it was growing sideways, I took some dirt off of them stem area so you could see better

This one worries me the most, all of this stem was under the dirt, I scraped some aside so you could see

In this one it appears that part of the stem or roots are showing through the soil, and the seedling has been showing but has not opened up for several days.

Another one who has not opened yet

Most of the other are through with about a half inch of stem and two little leaves, but have not grown vertically for a couple days.


Nirvana Northern Lights Regulars, Under 1 x 1000W MH running on a Galaxy select a watt ballast and a XXXL Reflector. Temps are a little high Probably around 90f.


Well-Known Member
you could get great results using floros and save some money in the process. me thinks you just need to wait a little longer.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Besides the temps, which I don't think are doing any harm, you seem to have a good setup. Might want to throw them under something a little less intense until they grow feet to stand on... But either way, give them a week and if they still are fucked, start investigating.


you could get great results using floros and save some money in the process. me thinks you just need to wait a little longer.
Yeh, unfortunately my budget is pretty much 0 right now after getting the rest of my gear. It may be too early, I just wanted to try to catch anything early if I could.

Pictures added if needed


Active Member
Let the soil dry slowly your possibly getting "Damping-Off" I can tell from how the seedling is wilting shows that it's weak from the roots.


Well-Known Member
You also might want to try backing your light off a bit and also getting those temps down soon. If you can try adding a fan to your setup blowing over the plants. Hope that helps, good luck.


They look even worse today and I am pretty sure a few are done for, I will dim might light down and let them dry out. Hopefully I can save a few thanks for replies.
They look even worse today and I am pretty sure a few are done for, I will dim might light down and let them dry out. Hopefully I can save a few thanks for replies.
dont hang yourself yet, Nirvana genetics are sub par for most grows, argue away if you want, but I have grown (and buried) Nirvana ICE and NL right next to healthy control strains. As far as technique, just keep misting the seedlings to keep them clean and moist, residue from the seed shells and embryonic cases can cause issues, they need air and as much light as possible. One way I have found to ensure germination on (good) seed stock is the seed soak, just drop them into a cup water for 6 hours, remove and put in moist towel. Then IMPORTANT! put seeds into medium as soon as seed pops open and tap root is visible. Acclimate from high humidity to around 50 %, and dont water, just spray mist until they have roots. Good luck!