Seedling problems :(


Well-Known Member
"taps" is playing in the background :'( I would suggest using a dome and not saran wrap but it is still okay just poke holes as you already know ;) and take it off once the seedling has first broken ground (when the duckbill is peeking out LOL ;) haha imagery is so fun.... anyways at that point do not water any more and then put the dome on (20oz water bottle cut in half with lots of little holes in it ;) seal it in the soil around the seedling. Then have a fan on (it still needs fresh air and it will get it from the holes you cut in the plastic then put it under light about 8-10 inches away for a few days then when it starts to sprout its teethed leaves and they are bigger than 1 cm then you can put it closer to the light say 4-6 inches but too much light and not enough humidity will dry and burn out the poor little girl(said girl for good luck lol) as she is not ready for that much light intensity(think in nature after a plant has dropped its seeds and the seed just sprouted there are other plants to cover and give the little seedling some shade and therefore gives the seedling a balanced amount of light as in it only really receives full intense sunlight for the noon hours of the day where the sun is beating on top of it, but the rest of the day it gets partial sunlight due to the position of the sun and surrounding plants) So think starting out with the light a little further away at first then move it closer as it grows up(make sure not to leave a cfl too close unless you have a fan blowing on top of the plant and light to cool it down even with a fan on it it will still def burn the seedling) (also dont have the fan blowing too hard on the seedling either ;) think balanced warmth and light you'll find the happy medium :)

Again hope this helps and even though it may seem complicated just keep it simple.


Hi..I have a question.. I have 2- 60 watt plain old soft white bulbs on a timer on the seedlings (like about, not broke thru peat yet), for heat. Humidity is about this OK?Still have some seeds in the tray with the peat cups under dome on a paper towel, waiting to see tag root. any suggestions to help? FIRST time trying to grow. thanks