Seedling Problem - advice needed please!

Adam Gale

New Member
Hey guys

I started my first indoor grow 12 days ago. I've set up a little grow room in my spare shower.

I germinated 2 northern lights seeds in rockwool in a humidity dome. The first seedling popped through at 4 days but the second one only after 8 days. After a few days the roots of the first one came through the cube so I transplanted to soil.

The second one has been lagging behind the whole time so I left it in rockwool. every now and again when the rockwool got dry I dipped the bottom half of the cube in ph water of 6.1. Both seedlings are under 1 85watt cfl each. (I made little reflectors myself)

Yesterday the "slow" seedlings rockwool was completely dry but it still looked relatively healthy so I dipped the bottom half of the cube in ph'd water for a couple of seconds and off I went to bed. This morning I woke up to a very sad looking seedling which I'd say isn't going to make it. I'm quite sad because I spent a lot on the seeds and the one just took off so well while the other just never did much.

I've attached some pics, of the healthy seedling then of the "slow" seedling while it was relatively healthy and then the pic I took this morning of it all shrivelled. Could I have given it too much water or did it dry out yesterday? can a 85 watt cfl be too much for it? I put the light about 2 inches away from the top of it.

Heat is not a problem as it's winter where I stay so the room is probably about 20 degrees celcius (70 farenheit)IMG_3665.JPGIMG_3666.JPG IMG_3675.JPG IMG_3676.JPG

Any advice please?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure but it looks like it got too dry, can't see it being an over water situation.
don't give up yet, it may recover

Adam Gale

New Member
No, as soon as they sprouted I removed them from the dome. I also didn't give them any nutrients, just ph'd water.


Active Member
Agree you should give it some time. These plants have a will to live. Do your best to take care of this little one, it may pull through.

Good luck and keep us posted.


flower pharm

Well-Known Member
i know it sucks to lose money but it wouldnt have been a strong healthy plant anyway,so look at it liks this it save you the stress and worry. kinda like rippin off a bandaid fast. good luck and never give up!

Adam Gale

New Member
Thanks guys!

I got home yesterday and it was dead:( agree with flower pharm though it probably would have always been weak.

I think maybe I buried it too deep in the rockwool and it wasted all it's energy trying to push through.

The other one is looking great though so I'll pull some clones once it's bigger. Also getting a few master Kush seeds tomorrow so will start those off asap.

Thanks again!