Seedling nutes


I start my seeds off in small planters (dixie cup sized). I was wondering if grinding up bag seeds and using it in the soil mix would be beneficial to the good seeds that i plant in them. Was wondering about this since seeds contain the food they need to get started. :eyesmoke: Anyone tried this before or have any thoughts on it? Or is this just one of those ideas that seems smart while your high?


Well-Known Member
I start my seeds off in small planters (dixie cup sized). I was wondering if grinding up bag seeds and using it in the soil mix would be beneficial to the good seeds that i plant in them. Was wondering about this since seeds contain the food they need to get started. :eyesmoke: Anyone tried this before or have any thoughts on it? Or is this just one of those ideas that seems smart while your high?
hmm it sounds possible to me id like to hear , see results if you do try this


Well-Known Member
seems smart when your high always lol but i dont know man, i was under the immpresion that seedling have enought nutrients to thrive for two weekd than you start them on normal veg nutes, half strength of course, i.e. (Fox Farm GrowBig) lol good luck, happy grow bra bra.


seems smart when your high always lol but i dont know man, i was under the immpresion that seedling have enought nutrients to thrive for two weekd than you start them on normal veg nutes, half strength of course, i.e. (Fox Farm GrowBig) lol good luck, happy grow bra bra.
Thanks for the reply! Yea, i know to let them go for around that long, and then start nutes, but was just wondering if there was anything you could do for them in the mean time, give them a better start. This is the safest way i could think of. Might give it a shot and see if it makes a difference :smile: