Seedling Issue


Well-Known Member
I have an Ice seedling that just poked through yesterday but the little round leaves are yellow what do you think the problem could be??...I was thinking genetics or maybe pH or something....If anyone has reasons as to why seedlings turn yellow it would be much appreciated..Thanks


Well-Known Member I guess I should cut back on watering??...will the seedling return to its green color or stay yellow??

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
No they will not turn green again...

but it should still be ok....

Is your soil soggy and muddy?
Have you been watering to much as widow suggested?



Well-Known Member
well as long as it will be okay...its not muddy...but I assume the overwatering is the problem because I don't think the soil has ever been dry and I spay it every once in a while through out the day..I'm thinking it had one to many sprays...Should I just let it sit and dry out a bit before watering again..since the sprout has poked through what should the water schedule be like??every other day, once a day, or still just keep it LIGHTLY moist???


Well-Known Member
Dont water your plants throughout the day it will only get the top soil moist do yourself a favor and go get a moisture meter its the best 10 bucks i have spent at walmart. When the plants are in the smaller containers for sprouts water it every other day or so. If you dont wanna spend 10 bucks on one put your finger in as far as it will go and if its moist then you are good for a while member these plants will survive a drought more often then a flood.


Well-Known Member
Also dont spray your plants while they are on 24 hour lighting it will burn the leafs start spraying them when they are in a light cycle in the dark stage.


Well-Known Member
alright thanks air...I wasnt really spraying the leaves I would kinda covering them with my finger and spraying around an the other seed haven't sprouted out the soil you say??what section would that be in??the walmart by my house has closed up its growing center so if thats where you found it I may need to try somewehre else


Well-Known Member
Geez my girlfriend just told me the light plug to the fluoro was loose and she had to plug it back in this morning..there for the seedling was in the dark like all night..I guess when I closed the door it tugged the wire you think this could have made it turn yellow??the lights been on now for like 5hrs and I actually think its getting a little greener..could be my eyes playing tricks tho


Well-Known Member
7It was in the garden center at my walmart. Also another cheap tool that might come in handy is a meat thermometer, they have the silver pointy rods that you shove into meat and it tells you the temp at the top I managed to find one that read down to 30 degrees and up to 200 for about 4 dollars in the cooking section. This will tell you your soil temp try to keep it around 70-85


Well-Known Member
I'll have to try and find these Air thanks for the help....Does anyone think th light issue had anything to do with it tho???


Well-Known Member
Hi SUP, looks like you are describing the cotyledons.....don't worry too much about the condition of these....they serve as more of a protective sheath for the first true leaves within.
They have served their the development of the first true leaves....
good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks wavels the seedling isnt looking to bad now I think the darkness may have confused it for a should pull through without a problem as long as I keep things right